How does your biblical worldview impact the way in which you see the possibility of change within the addiction cycle for those struggling with dual diagnoses?

Social Work question 1 Discuss in detail the essential features of the three models (bio, psycho, social) of addiction addressed this module. Consider then how the “Disease of the Human Spirit” fits or does not fit within the models already discussed. Discuss the addict and spiritual bankruptcy/void of a relationship with God. In what way […]

Discuss quality data supporting the use of cannabis to treat PTSD.

Topic: Medical cannabis and post-trarumatic stress disorder. Discuss quality data supporting the use of cannabis to treat PTSD. At least 1,500 words. Cites all information obtained from other sources. Molecular Pharmacology citation style is used in both text and bibliography Include references to empirical data and should not simply be a review of current clinical […]

Identify actions that the nurse should implement and provide a reason for each action

Topic: pharmacology (medication administration Review the information provided in Canvas concerning Medication Reconciliation: Medication Reconciliation – AO.pptx Using the client scenario provided on the assignment document and your Davis Drug Guide for Nurse’s, conduct medication reconciliation. Be sure to include the following in your final submission: Explain the medication reconciliation process Analyze the client scenario […]

What cross-sensitivities could patients with this medication allergy experience-What potential complications and reactions could this patient have and what treatment is available?

APharmA1 Professional Development: Write a 500-word APA reflection essay of your experience with the ShadowHealth© virtual assignment(s). At least two scholarly sources in addition to your textbook should be utilized. Answers to the following questions may be included in your reflective essay: 1. Regarding the use of shadow health answer the following questions: What went […]

Explain these aspects of the drug in terms of the psychiatric disorders indicated for the drug and the issue(s) associated with that use.

Rapid Review 1 Select a psychoactive drug that is of pharmacological interest to you, but not one you will review as part of your Critical Review. For this paper, you may choose drugs of abuse; however, the paper must focus on the pharmacology of the drug and not on the social or addictive aspects. If […]

What is Acetylcholine-how does it produce contraction of the smooth muscle (dynamics:receptors, type-drug-receptor interaction)?

Data analysis and interpretation Applied Pharmacology Discuss • What is Acetylcholine and how does it produce contraction of the smooth muscle (dynamics:receptors, type and drug-receptor interaction)? • What is pilocarpine  (or carbachol if it was chosen in the experiment) ? what is its mechanism of action? discuss briefly its therapeutic applications • Identify two drugs […]

What is the metabolic pathway of Paroxetine-how is it affected by the genetic variant described in this case study?

Applied Pharmacology Coursework Part 2: Case Studies Read the following three case studies and answer all questions: A patient is taking Paroxetine and presents to A&E with tremor, tachycardia, hypertension and high temperature. After a genetic screening, the variant CYP2D6*4 is identified. Discuss: What is Paroxetine and how does it work (mechanism and clinical use)? […]

How might the MSN-prepared nurse support positive health outcomes through a holistic approach and expanded competency with advanced assessment, pathophysiology and pharmacology?

MSN-prepared nurses are uniquely positioned to lead holistic nursing care across a variety of healthcare delivery contexts. Reflect upon the learning that has occurred in Week Eight, and respond to the following: Describe a scenario involving an individual with complex health concerns. Include the physical, psychosocial, cultural, economic, educational, and environmental factors that influence the […]