What gene mutation is associated with cystic fibrosis-How does this affect mucus production?

A 2-week-old has an abnormality on her universal newborn screening lab test that indicates she may have cystic fibrosis. She is currently doing well. Her parents report that in the hospital she did not pass her first bowel movement until the 3rd day of life and that the staff was concerned about that. Her parents […]

What happens to the longevity of worms when RNAi is used to knockdown HIF-1 in MIT mutant worms?

Hypoxia click on the link to access the article. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3838777/ (2%) Explain the relevance of testing the phenotype of RNAi treatment for 400 genes on wild type or MIT mutant c. elegans (make sure to address why MIT mut worms were used and what research group(s) discovered this particular MIT mut worm phenotype). (1%) What […]

Analyze the provided data to compare group differences and perform other relevant statistics

OVERVIEW: You will learn how to conduct live animal investigations using echoMRI imaging and the Promethion Metabolic System. The principles of both experimental systems will be explored and animals will be introduced into the Promethion System for 1 week of monitoring. Mice of different strains or ages will be utilized such that you can interrogate […]