Why many people suffer from Poverty-What is the main cause of poverty in the Philippines?

Corruption in the philippines POVERTY IN THE PHILIPPINES What is Poverty? What is the main problem of Poverty? Why many people suffer from Poverty? What is the main cause of poverty in the Philippines? Poverty is what we call the condition of people who do not earn enough income to be able to afford the necessities […]

Compare and contrast the reasons for imperialism given in Sources A and B [15] Read all the sources.

19. Nichols AS Level History SIS 2022 Source D Take up the White Man’s burden–Send forth the best ye breed Go bind your sons to exile To serve your captives’ need; To wait in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild Your new-caught, sullen peoples, Half-devil and half-child. This is a verse from a famous […]

Define stewardship of government resources and illustrate the kind of leadership which creates transformation in government service.

Ethics and accountability in public governance Define stewardship of government resources and illustrate the kind of leadership which creates transformation in government service. Cite a law, policy, program or project that was launched, prioritized or enhanced which improved public welfare during natural calamities in the Philippines. 2.Discuss how accountability is monitored in a democratic form […]

Comparative between Saudi Arabia and Philippines in regards of institutions and how it related to the legitimacy

Topic: Comparative between Saudi Arabia and Philippines in regards of institutions and how it related to the legitimacy write about the flowing points Their institutions foundation and how this relates to legitimacy Political vs. economic institutions Inclusive vs. extractive institutions Formal vs. informal institutions  

Can this be considered as realpolitiks or an acceptance of liberalism-Can China be considered a revisionist country ?

Chinese Contemporary Politics China’s actions in the South China Sea and their repercussions on it’s relationship with South East Asian countries. A case study of Vietnam and the Philippines. How Chinese actions in the South China Sea impact its relationship with other East Asian countries ? What contradictory chinese ambitions are reflected in these actions […]

Explain how Walmart’s leadership skills and practices may lead to organizational success.

Leadership Analysis for Business In the first half of the assignment, you will prepare for Walmart to operate in a the Philippines. Analyzing at least two leadership models and/or styles to determine which one will be more suitable for leading employees and for responding to stakeholders in a country outside of North America. Determine the […]

How they live at present, their relationship with their environment-with the dominant ‘mainstream’ Filipinos

Katutubo Paper 1 (3 pages, cite at least 5 sources): Write a short reflection after watching the film: Katutubo: Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines (2 pages). In this paper, try to answer the question: What does it mean to be ‘katutubo’ (indigenous) in the Philippine context? Questions to ponder: 1.How they live at present, their […]

What does she mean by this-How does she explain the transformative relationship between malls and neoliberal urbanism in Manila-what are the consequences of this transformation?

Question to answer : In Jasmine Trice’s City of Screens, she notes that “the mall has become the privatized space of social life in the country” of the Philippines. What does she mean by this? How does she explain the transformative relationship between malls and neoliberal urbanism in Manila and what are the consequences of […]