What do you say to get them to take an interest in the subject and help them see that it’s possible to know that God is real?

Write a short DIALOGUE (1250-1500 words) that builds on ONE of the following scenarios and develops some associated philosophical themes (this exercise could also be useful as a way to prepare for some of the final exam questions). You find yourself in a discussion with some classmates that don’t think it’s possible to know whether […]

choose a specific religious group that we have studied in class and apply it to a contemporary moral or philosophical issue.

POST:For your research paper, you will choose a specific religious group that we have studied in class and apply it to a contemporary moral or philosophical issue. Native Hawaiian perspectives on genetically modified food You must do research on a specific religious group You must utilize at least three academic sources. This essay will be […]

Write a two- to-three page paper in which you describe the role of ethics and philosophy and how it affects your philosophical thinking about each of the laws.

Ethics and Philosophy Choose two different laws: one you agree with and one that you do not agree with. Write a two- to-three page paper in which you describe the role of ethics and philosophy and how it affects your philosophical thinking about each of the laws.

Write a one to one and a half-page(approximately 500-800 word) essay describing your personal philosophy and theory of teaching.

Educational Theory and Philosophy Review all the material in this course, focusing on the philosophies and theories of education, and then conduct your own research about the philosophy and theories that are of greatest interest to you. Write a one to one and a half-page(approximately 500-800 word) essay describing your personal philosophy and theory of […]

How does the material used by the artist in this work relate to the method of execution the artist has chosen?

Sculpture Analysis Essay Description: 75 points For this assignment, you will analyze ONE work of sculpture from the time period and cultures covered in Part I, Chapters 1-3 and post your analysis on Blackboard.Your analysis should take the form of a typed essay and should be two-to-three pages in length, or between 650-1250 words. Use […]

What impact do the ideas of the Ancient Greek philosophers have in your own views and opinions?

A. Assignment Guidelines DIRECTIONS: As reported in Plato’s account The Apology, Socrates famously claimed at his trial that “The unexamined life is not worth living.” In this course, you have had the opportunity to examine your own life and reality through the thoughts of the Ancient Greek philosophers. The purpose of this touchstone assignment is […]

Analyze an episode of Black Mirror and relate it to this philosophical text.

Topic: Analyze an episode of Black Mirror and relate it to this philosophical text. Paper details: For your final (creative) project, you will reflect deeply on a topic of your choosing, all through the lens of a philosophical view we have studied in class. You may write about anything you want. You may choose to […]

Using ideas and images discussed in class, explain how Western ideas of female beauty have been shaped by philosophical debates.

Assignment details: Using ideas and images discussed in class, explain how Western ideas of female beauty have been shaped by philosophical debates. It may be helpful to take one notion and trace it through time. Use at least five images and refer to at least five thinkers. 2500 words. Harvard referencing.

How does Kant go about salvaging philosophy and science? Be sure to explain in some detail how and why Hume ended up where he did, Kant’s philosophical project, and how Kant deals with Hume’s critiques.

David Hume’s empiricism seems to leave philosophy’s claims to truth in shambles–according to his relentless application of Occam’s Razor, there are supposedly no “substances,” no “selves” and no “causes” to be described. This also leaves modern science on very insecure footing if we can’t rationally describe the way entities (substances) interact with and “cause” other […]