Discuss What can Ontario educators learn from the educational frameworks in the other two provinces/countries?

Description Review Paper Using the Ontario Leadership Framework document, compare and contrast specific concepts found in the Leadership Frameworks from three provinces (Ontario, Alberta, and Manitoba). One of the provinces must be Ontario. using literature and the relevant school leadership frameworks to structure your paper, you are being asked to develop a theoretically-informed review paper […]

Explain in what ways these moral demands and requirements are related to the metaphysics and divinities of each of the religions in question.

Description Moral Imperatives of Religion In the last four modules, we have examined some very different religions and some very different systems of ethics and actions proscribed by Daoism, Confucianism, Shintoism, and Zoroastrianism. In this section, clearly explain the moral/action requirements (or lack thereof) of each of these four religions. Relating Ethics and Metaphysics Consider […]

Explain one criticism of both Mill and Kant. Afterward, argue for which ethical approach, on your view is superior. Be specific and provide reasons for your claim.

“Let us consider […] a pair of cases which I shall call Rescue I and Rescue II. In the first Rescue story we are hurrying in our jeep to save some people – let there be five of them – who are imminently threatened by the ocean tide. We have not a moment to spare, […]

Discuss How have Jews in Israel responded to this problem? What criticisms does Walzer make of the state of Israel in this regard? What is your response to his critique?

Description In Michael Walzer’s view, what is one of the most important differences for Jews—speaking in terms of political situation—between living in exile and living in their own state? How have Jews in Israel responded to this problem? What criticisms does Walzer make of the state of Israel in this regard? What is your response […]

Discuss at least one major concept from the chosen philosopher and must include at least two direct quotes, properly cited, from the relevant texts.

Description Write an essay approximately 1000 words in length on a philosopher. In this case the philosopher you’ll be writing about is FANON. You’ll be writing about how Fanon looks at “freedom” and “choice” but your essay must discuss at least one major concept from the chosen philosopher and must include at least two direct […]

Summarize results of interviews with dyad (focus not only on philosophy and methodology, but outcomes as well)

Description Interview one Mentor-Mentee dyad to discover what was done and gained in their mentor-mentee interaction and process. Explain the outcomes of your interviews in a PowerPoint presentation. Consider carefully what you would need to know to report to others about actual mentoring relationships before you perform the interviews. Include a table of the exact […]

Analyze what Descartes means by generosity and what role it plays in the Passions.

Description Analyze what Descartes means by generosity and what role it plays in the Passions. Write an essay (about 4-5 pages), single-sided, double-spaced, 12-point type. Use brief quotation from only the Voss translation to ground your points (required). Citation may be either by page or article number. Be sure to make it absolutely clear up […]

Discuss the Ontological argument for God

Description This paper gives two choices for the topic. It is based on Anslem’s Proslogion. One option is to discuss the Ontological argument for God and the other is to summarize and critique both of Gauntilo’s replies to the ontological argument and Anslem’s rejonder. The paper format is really not a big issue at all. Just […]

Describe how this interprofessional collaboration improved the effectiveness of your presentation.

Description Review the feedback on the change proposal professional presentation and make required adjustments to the presentation. Present your evidence-based intervention and change proposal to an interprofessional audience of leaders and stakeholders. Be prepared to answer questions and accept feedback. After presenting your capstone project change proposal, write a 250-350 word summary of the presentation. […]