What distinction does Kant draw between acting from duty and acting in accordance with duty, and why is it significant? Give an example to illustrate. Is Kant correct that there is a significant moral difference? Why, or why not?

Description Papers should be about 1500 words. Papers should be double-spaced and single-sided, in a 12-point font. As sources, the best idea is to use only the textbook and your class notes (I have attached notes to reference). Quotations or paraphrases from the readings should be cited in-text, e.g. (Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Bk II, p.5). […]

Explain how you use critical thinking in decision making and problem solving in your professional life.

1) Describe how domestic employment and business law will affect/impact you and the industry you are or will be working in. 2) Explain how you use critical thinking in decision making and problem solving in your professional life. 3) Define the three most important elements of personal and professional etiquette that you employ in your […]

Explain how you use critical thinking in decision making and problem solving in your professional life.

1) Describe how domestic employment and business law will affect/impact you and the industry you are or will be working in. 2) Explain how you use critical thinking in decision making and problem solving in your professional life. 3) Define the three most important elements of personal and professional etiquette that you employ in your […]

Analyse a social injustice in Australia or a country of your choice. •What does the injustice consist in? (how are your principles violated and by what structures?)•What institutional change would address the injusticeand how?

1.What do you think are the correct principles of justice? •State them and offer an argument in their support. Make it clear what these principles regulate (for example,the distribution of what?).•Defend these principles against ONEobjection a philosopher we’ve studied in the course could make.(Note: you will need to commit to theviewyouarticulateinthis section for the rest […]

Discuss What would it feel like to live in a society like East Germany’s? How would it compare with living in a surveillance society as depicted in The Age of AI? 250+ words

Description What would it feel like to live in a society like East Germany’s? How would it compare with living in a surveillance society as depicted in The Age of AI? 250+ words

What role might discipline and grace play in your philosophy of education?

Description The final major (signature!) assignment of the course is a philosophy of Christian education (12 pages minimum, double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font), which is a statement of your beliefs about the central issues in Christian education. This philosophy (and the ideas underpinning it) should guide you in the decisions that you make […]

What would a philosopher have to say about this that the rest of the media may be missing?” Do you find the conclusion(s) convincing, based on the evidence provided? Is the method/approach of high quality? Which pieces provide the best takeaways for a general reader?

Description Browse the  blog to get a sense of how TROT posts are written. They usually start with a summary of a current event, then provide cultural ideas relevant to the matter at the hand and includes citations for each source. journal articles no more than five years old Choose a recent news events or […]