What differences are there in the understanding of human nature in each philosopher? What differences are there in the understandings of the relationship between the people and the government? What differences are there in the understandings of the nature of rights? What differences are there with respect to their understandings of the nature of society?

Your task for this essay is to choose two of these philosophers (Hobbes, Locke, or Rousseau) and compare their version of the idea of a social contract. What differences are there in the understanding of human nature in each philosopher? What differences are there in the understandings of the relationship between the people and the […]

Choose 2 paradigms/theoretical perspectives (positivism & interpretivism) and compare and contrast the ontological and epistemological positions with which they are most commonly associated.

Part A (800 words) – Choose 2 paradigms/theoretical perspectives (positivism & interpretivism) and compare and contrast the ontological and epistemological positions with which they are most commonly associated. Part B (600 words) – Select one of the paradigms (positivism) you wrote in Part A and critically examine the position of this paradigm within recent educational […]

Discuss the fundamental principles of the philosophy of science and how it is relevant for biological science. Describe, using an example, how fallacies can be detrimental to the integrity of science.

Description This assignment is 2000 words. In 2 parts each part 1000 words! Part 1. Discuss the fundamental principles of the philosophy of science and how it is relevant for biological science. Describe, using an example, how fallacies can be detrimental to the integrity of science. (1000 words.) Part 2. Discuss how genetics can be […]

What is the self, according to Augustine. Read the lecture notes to answer this question.

• Epicurus’ philosophy aims to produce tranquility and happiness (pleasure). What he means by pleasure is not being in pain, even emotional pain. This involves being grateful and not being greedy. Explain what changes you can bring in your life to achieve the Epicurean tranquility in your life. • What is the self, according to […]

What is the‘ restoration thesis’and how is it typically employed in the context of arguments concerning wilderness and nature?

(1)Therearemanyargumentsthatgiveussomereasonforpreservingwildernessareas,i.e.,reasonswhywildernessareaswouldbesufficientforsupplyingacertaingoodforus.(a)Whatargumentdoyouthinkmakesthebestcaseforshowingthatwildernessareasarenecessaryforsomeimportantgood?(b)Whatwouldacriticofthisviewsaytoyou?(c)Howwouldyourespond?[forthisquestion,seeMichaelNelson,J.BairdCallicott,ReedNoss,RobertElliot,EricKatz,AndrewLight,aswellastherelevantchaptersinDesJardins](2)Whatisthedefinitionof‘wilderness’intheWildernessActof1964,andwhatsortofdifficultiesarisefromthisdefinition?(a)Arethesedifficultiesinsurmountable?Shouldthedefinitionberevised,abandoned,orleftasitis?(b)Whatsortofargumentwouldyouexpecttohearfromsomeonewhodisagreeswithyouaboutthisissue?(c)Howwouldyourespond?[forthisquestion,seeespeciallyMichaelNelson,J.BairdCallicott,ReedNoss] (3)What is the‘ restoration thesis’and how is it typically employed in the context of arguments concerning wilderness and nature?(a)Doyouthinktheseargumentsaresuccessful?Explainwhyorwhynot.(b)Whatsortofargumentwouldyouexpecttohearfromsomeonewhodisagreeswithyouonyourtreatmentofthe‘restorationthesis’?(c)Howwouldyourespond?[forthisquestion,seeespeciallyRobertElliot,EricKatz,andAndrewLight](4)Criticallyevaluatethemainclaimsof‘deepecology’:(i)stateandexplainthemainclaimsofdeepecology,(ii)explainwhatyouthinkisthemosteffectiveand/orinterestingcriticismofdeepecology,and(iii)layoutwhatyou’dexpectdeepecologiststosayinresponsetothecriticismyou’reconsidering.[you’llwanttoconsiderWarwickFox,ArneNaess,andDesJardins](5)CriticallyevaluateTimothyTreadwell’sproject,aspresentedinWernerHerzog’sfilmGrizzlyMan.Youneedto(i)definewhatyoutakeTreadwell’sownself-understandingofhisworktobe,and(ii)considerwhetherhisself-understandingisaccurateanddefensible.[forthispaper,Idon’twantasummaryofthefilm;youMUSTconnectyouranalysisofthefilmdirectlywithourcoursematerial,arealandsubstantiveconnectionwithourcoursematerials–useMichaelNelson,J.BairdCallicott,ReedNoss,RobertElliot,EricKatz,AndrewLight,WarwickFox,orArneNaess,andtherelevantchaptersinDesJardins–andmakesureyouaremakinganargument]

What is the precise relationship between consequentialism and utilitarianism? Likewise, what is the relationship between deontology and Kantianism? Explain

SECTION 1: Short Answer (8 marks total; 2 marks each) Using approximately 4-5 sentences each, answer FOUR of the following five questions. Be sure to explain your answers. NOTE: If you choose to answer all five questions, I will only grade your first four. What is the difference between descriptive and normative knowledge? Explain why […]

Describe the major points of each philosopher’s essays. Compare and contrast the works of Hobbes and Locke, Rousseau and Voltaire. Describe the effects of these philosophers on governments of the time. How did the spread of these ideas inaugurate the period known as the Enlightenment?

Description Humanistic and Economic Philosophies If you have remained abreast of your readings you should all now be familiar with the writings of Cardinal Richelieu, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Adam Smith, Jean Jacques Rousseau and Voltaire. Each of these individuals was greatly impacted by the Renaissance and the new way of thinking about man, science […]