Challenged by the current event/piece of culture, explain how it is challenged and how this challenge can contribute to the construction of an anti-racist gaze.

Essay 1 Prompt: Choose one of the following philosophers: Vitoria, Bernier, Voltaire, Jefferson, Kant , Blumenbach, Hegel, Gobineau, Darwin, or Galton. Show how your chosen philosopher has contributed to at least one of the elements of what Cornel West calls the normative gaze of white supremacy (this will entail explaining what West means by this […]

Which philosopher(Aristotle, Kant, or Mill) would agree with what China is doing and what reasons would they give to support this model?

On June 14, 2014, China’s State Council announced a plan to establish a social credit system, which would assign, “social credit score,” to citizens based on their behavior. A citizen’s social credit score goes up based on socially desirable actions like paying taxes on purchasing Chinese products; it declines if a person engages in behavior […]

Using the Biblical Theology of Human Flourishing article explain why Moral Therapeutic Deism may appeal to so many modern Americans?

We have studied the contemporary culture of the United States and Christianity’s interaction with and place in that culture. We have read about a Biblical Theology of Human Flourishing and also about Moral Therapeutic Deism. Using the course materials from the first half of class, in 750-850 words, evaluate and critique Moral Therapeutic Deism. How […]

Discuss In what respects does determinism challenge the idea of free will? Likewise, why do libertarians believe that the determinism is false? Ultimately, is the libertarian right that free will and determinism are incompatible, or is free will an illusion?

Topic: Two Discussion Questions on Determinism, Libertarianism, Compatibilism and Hard Determinism Paper details: Discussion Question A Determinism and Libertarianism: In what respects does determinism challenge the idea of free will? Likewise, why do libertarians believe that the determinism is false? Ultimately, is the libertarian right that free will and determinism are incompatible, or is free […]

Does the organization have a large presence in a specific community? How do you understand the reputation of the organization within the community?

Paper Outline Agency Context: 1.Identity: What is the name of your agency? Is this a single-program agency (If so, proceed to the section on Program Assessment)? Is this a multi-program agency (If so, answer all of the questions in the Agency Context and Program Assessment sections) 2.Type: a. What type(s) of organization is this? Some […]

Summarize the author’s main point in the chapter for the first 300~ words, and then gives a reflection/criticism of the chapter, for the last 200~ words. The reflection portion is meant to say whether or not the chapter was confusing, or if I agreed/disagreed with the author. This paper does not have to be extremely in-depth, just needs to explain the main points and then reflect upon them.

Paper details: 400-500 word reflection paper which briefly summarizes the author’s main point in the chapter for the first 300~ words, and then gives a reflection/criticism of the chapter, for the last 200~ words. The reflection portion is meant to say whether or not the chapter was confusing, or if I agreed/disagreed with the author. […]

Describe the assets and detriments of nationalism. Do you believe this to be a positive, or a negative force in world politics? Be sure to support your position.

One often hears references to the power of a nation. Yet, determining the components of power has often proven to be rather elusive. Describe and explain the main components of power as discussed inthe class. Which do you believe to be most important and why? Finally, are there any additions or deletions that you would […]

Explain How is your emerging philosophy informed by theories and philosophies of early childhood education?

4-5 minutes long Your presentation should explain your emerging philosophy and how this links with theories we have learned about in this unit. You need to consider the way in which the historical and philosophical underpinnings of early childhood inform your understanding of children, early childhood and the role of the educator. Your presentation should […]

Discuss Is lying to someone because of love, concern, or reputation ever ethical?

Identify the professional code of ethics for your professional specialty or a specialty that you are interested in, describe the decision criteria, and analyze each theory using examples and the Ethical Theory Matrix Template. Moral Theories, Principles of Health Care Ethics, and Professional Ethics Codes Ethics is a branch of philosophy devoted to the study […]

Identify a classroom management model/theory that best aligns with your philosophy. Describe the key points of this model/theory. Explain how the theory aligns with your philosophy.

Create a Positive Learning Framework Plan. The Positive Learning Framework Plan will be based on your knowledge of and reflection on various approaches to classroom management and your ownexperiences. There are five (5) sections to include in your Positive Learning Framework Plan. Part 1: Positive Learning Framework Philosophy (700 words) Describe your Positive Learning Framework […]