What are the implications for nursing thought and action if only philosophical diversity or only philosophical unity is sought?

3.What are the implications for nursing thought and action if only philosophical diversity or only philosophical unity is sought? 4. In arriving at a philosophy of nursing are the processes of “discovering, constructing, and evolving” necessary or sufficient, both, or neither? 10. If there can be no genuine disagreement among nursing theorists can there he […]

How many articles did you find – did you find a lot of articles or very few? What kind of articles are there – long analytical articles, theory bases, or detailed individual case studies? Is the coverage increasing or decreasing over the past 10 years -show a trend using a chart.

1. Short introduction to the topic – why is this topic relevant to contemporary planning practice? 2. Short description on your library search methodology – describe search engines, databases, and keywords used, etc. How did you fine-tune your search? What was your criteria for selecting the articles? 3. Short description on the coverage of the […]

Summarize the author’s main point for the first 300~ words, and then gives a reflection/criticism of the article

Paper details: 400-500 word reflection paper which briefly summarizes the author’s main point for the first 300~ words, and then gives a reflection/criticism of the article, for the last 200~ words. The reflection portion is meant to say whether or not the article was confusing, or if I agreed/disagreed with the author. This paper does […]

What is a miracle?Do you think that a belief in miracles, as you have defined it, is necessary in Judaism?Discuss

What is a miracle? Choose one of our readings on this topic to answer the question. Do you think that a belief in miracles, as you have defined it, is necessary in Judaism? Consider at least one objection to your view. The readings are uploaded. No outside citation. <br>The paper should be written double-spaced using […]

Discuss,In particular we looked at the case of a chief of a tribe who lost his sister and his niece in an accident. What would an ethical relativist say about such a case? What about a moral objectivist? Be sure to define both views in your essay. Do you agree? W

Topic: In particular we looked at the case of a chief of a tribe who lost his sister and his niece in an accident. What would an ethical relativist say about such a case? What about a moral objectivist? Be sure to define both views in your essay. Do you agree? W Paper details: Paper […]

Apply the concept of moral equivalence. Is the conduct of doctors in relation to smoking and the tobacco industry morally equivalent to the conduct of doctors in the opioid crisis? Explain your position and be very specific.

Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, research the history of the association of doctors with tobacco companies and tobacco advertising. Read about the association of doctors with the opioid crisis. Then, address the following: In what way are the two situations comparable? In what way are they different? Apply the concept of moral equivalence. […]

Discuss Why does Chesterton think philosophy is important?

In 1936, an essay by G.K. Chesterton entitled ‘The Revival of Philosophy – Why?’ was published. After reading this essay, write a paper consisting of two main parts. The first part (between 500 and 750 words) should be devoted to answering this question: Why does Chesterton think philosophy is important? The second part of the […]