Discuss the similarities and differences between magic, religion, science, and technology, with special emphasis on Malinowski text.

Part 1 Question Discuss the similarities and differences between magic, religion, science, and technology, with special emphasis on Malinowski text.(about 100 words) Part 2 Question Discuss the differences and similarities between modern university education (in your own experience) and the educational ideal described by Montaigne.(about 150 words)Use key idea markers in the attached texts.

What are the main theories of the self? What is the best explanation of personal identity? Or, is there such a thing as the self?

What are the main theories of the self? What is the best explanation of personal identity? Or, is there such a thing as the self? Argumentative essay, discuss arguments for and against the theories Please site sources used: https://sites.google.com/site/seah1066/perry