Explain why you believe humans have a need to express themselves through created artifacts.Detail how a person and/or concept encountered in this course has informed your explanation.

I. Explain why you believe humans have a need to express themselves through created artifacts. a) Explain the larger human need to express using the insights you gained from studying your artifact. b) Detail how a person and/or concept encountered in this course has informed your explanation. II. Explain how you think the act of […]

Discuss Suppose that if he doesn’t finish it, he was never writing it in the first place, because there will never be any paper for him to have written. Consider Fred onFriday (when he still doesn’t know): is he writing the paper? Does he believe he is?Does he know he is? Is he exercising knowledge how?

setiya defends the thesis that ‘knowledge how explains the otherwise troubling possibility of knowledge in intentional action’. His argument is complex. To put it to the test, suppose Fred starts writing a philosophy paper on Wednesday and plans to complete it by the following Monday; but on Thursday he learns that he might be drafted […]

Identify the racists involved in Langdon Winner’s discussion of the parkway overpasses.What does Karl Marx mean by ‘class conflict’?Discuss

*For Buckminster Fuller, why is the earth a spaceship? What are the moral implications? *What does the whale represent in Langdon Winner’s article? *Why does Amory Lovins argue that we should re-invest in natural capital? *Does J.K. Galbraith propose a technological solution to the problem he is discussing? *In the Tragedy of the Commons, are […]

Provide brief background and contextual information on the issue. How did it arise? How did it become a problem issue for your audience (national, state, or local agenda)? Would it look different with a different scope? What is the benefit of trying to solve your issue?

• Archeology of the problem. Provide brief background and contextual information on the issue. How did it arise? How did it become a problem issue for your audience (national, state, or local agenda)? Would it look different with a different scope? What is the benefit of trying to solve your issue? (refer to your Background […]

Explain the debate surrounding the Altar of Victory. That is, explain at least two of the reasons Symmachus gives for why the altar and its associated rituals should stay, and explain Ambrose’s response to each of these reasons and his own position on the relevant matters.

Explain Aristotle’s theory of the four kinds of cause. That is, explain in your own words what this is a theory about, what the four kinds of cause are, and provide an illustration of the analysis of something into each of its four kinds of cause. Explain Aristotle’s distinction between the sublunary and the celestial […]

Are media consumers being formed by what is highlighted? Are media outlets reacting to a preexisting consumer mindset? Or some combination of the two? How does all of this affect our lives, given the current conditions of the pandemic?Discuss

Consider why media react in the way described. Are media consumers being formed by what is highlighted? Are media outlets reacting to a preexisting consumer mindset? Or some combination of the two? How does all of this affect our lives, given the current conditions of the pandemic? Relate to David Foster Wallace on attention and […]

Discuss Searle’s theories of the mind and engage with his arguments. John Searle offers us some profound and creative ways to understand the nature of mind.

Discuss Searle’s theories of the mind and engage with his arguments. John Searle offers us some profound and creative ways to understand the nature of mind. One of the most interesting facets of our mental life is the “aboutness” of our thought, or what philosophers call “intentionality.” Talk about what this is and what this […]

Discuss what empirical evidence is there for the psychological claims about human psychology that are made by philosophers?

In each of the following questions a topic that has been explored philosophically is paired with articles that ask the question: what empirical evidence is there for the psychological claims about human psychology that are made by philosophers? Here is the list I want you to discuss: 1 Character and Situationism 2 Egoism and Altruism […]

According to Bennett, what are at least three requirements for someone to have a valuable and meaningful life? Explain why each of these are important.

Questions (-1pt for each question not answered or not answered correctly) According to Bennett, what is meaning and value in life determined by? Explain in detail. According to Bennett, what are at least three requirements for someone to have a valuable and meaningful life? Explain why each of these are important. According to Bennett, why […]

Choose a topic from Rousseau’s On the Social Contract, something that interests you,

1. Choose a topic from Rousseau’s On the Social Contract, something that interests you, which you can write 5-7 pages on. • Your topic should be represented by an argument selected from the text. o An argument consists of a main claim, or a conclusion, and several reasons supporting that conclusion, which are called premises. […]