What consequences do you think such an implant would have on equality, personal autonomy, and unity (or wholeness) in love?Discuss

What consequences do you think such an implant would have on equality, personal autonomy, and unity (or wholeness) in love? Given what you say above, explain whether the Love Implant interfere with, support, or be inconsequential for erotic love from the perspective of any 3 theorists we have discussed this semester. Be specific and provide […]

Discuss is it about the definition that interests you? what other questions do you have regarding the meaning of philosophy? what potential problefktms do you see with any of the particular definitions?

Looking over the initial material on the definitions of philosophy in topic one of the course, which definition (Aristotle, Novalis, Wittgenstein) would you say gives you the best feel for philosophy? What is it about the definition that interests you? what other questions do you have regarding the meaning of philosophy? what potential problefktms do […]

Explain how each thinker describes the feeling of resentment (or ressentiment), being sure to articulate clearly how they differ.

Read these instructions with great care and attention to detail. Failure to abide by any of them will affect your grade negatively. I. General Description, Point Value, and Due Date This paper assignment covers Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism, and Friedrich Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morals. All assigned readings and all lectures […]

Argue about Ethicists,Explain the position you will be taking (for or against).

Ethicists, this is your first essay exam. You will be writing as Kantian deontologists, so use the guides on the Announcements page. We will review these on Monday. There is no class on Wednesday, so you have a whole week to write this essay. Choose one of the four options on the essay exam. Write […]

As a Kantian “duty ethicist,” make an argument for or against reuniting the children detained at the border with their parents. As a Kantian “duty ethicist,” make an argument for or against legalizing prostitution. This does NOT include children or sex trafficking. As a Kantian “duty ethicist,” make an argument for or against abortion in […]

Discuss and analyze the insights, ideas and philosophical position put forward by Nietzsche.

In your own words interpret, explain and analyze ONE of the following three passages from Nietzsche’s Twilight of the Idols. Remember that what I am looking for above all is evidence of understanding the material, and of thought ful response to it. Requirements:Think for yourself. Choose the passageyouwilldiscusswithcare,andbesuretoaddressitasfullyasyoucan,bothwhatthequoteitselfsaysandalsoitscontextandroleinTwilightoftheIdols.Discuss and analyze the insights, ideas and philosophical […]

Paper detalis: Kant writes “The practical imperative will thus be the following: So act that you use humanity, in your own person as well as in the person of any other, always at the same time as an end, never merely as a means.” -whats a problematic aspect to this Make you explain the aspect of Kant’s “humanity formulation” of the categorical imperative.Discuss

Paper detalis: Kant writes “The practical imperative will thus be the following: So act that you use humanity, in your own person as well as in the person of any other, always at the same time as an end, never merely as a means.” -whats a problematic aspect to this Make you explain the aspect […]