How does a person-centred stance work in psychotherapy to facilitate change?Discuss

Description How does a person-centred stance work in psychotherapy to facilitate change? In this Essay the following questions should all be answered in an appropriate form. Give enough refrences, word count should be 2000 exluding text in referencing and quotations of any other references.ASSESSMENT CRITERIA AUTUMN TERM • Demonstrate an understanding of the principles and […]

What is justice according to Thrasymachus in Book I? What is Plato’s (through Socrates) eventual argument about what justice actually is?Discuss

• What is justice according to Thrasymachus in Book I? What is Plato’s (through Socrates) eventual argument about what justice actually is? Taking into account these definitions, has Socrates proven his point that being unjust is worse than being just? (Republic, I & IV, also see Book IX)

Discuss how similarities or differences in the author’s ideas affects the issue as you see it.

Write three 3-4 page papers discussing two contrasting readings: Plato and Rousseau; Dewey and Foucault; Freire and Noddings. The focus of the papers should be a current educational issue discussed in response to the authors you have read. The papers should reflect your thoughts, rather than be a summary of the reading. You should select […]

Discuss about the justice of town and regional planning, housing, regeneration and urban management.

Description This is an essay about the justice of town and regional planning, housing, regeneration and urban management. In an essay of 3000 words you need to identify a contentious topic or case study which raises questions about justice and fairness. You should explain and critically discuss the values that are exposed by this topic […]

How does Kant go about salvaging philosophy and science? Be sure to explain in some detail how and why Hume ended up where he did, Kant’s philosophical project, and how Kant deals with Hume’s critiques.

David Hume’s empiricism seems to leave philosophy’s claims to truth in shambles–according to his relentless application of Occam’s Razor, there are supposedly no “substances,” no “selves” and no “causes” to be described. This also leaves modern science on very insecure footing if we can’t rationally describe the way entities (substances) interact with and “cause” other […]

Review 2nd chapter and adjust based on 1st whilst maintaining the references and expanding the content, align it with objectives of the project.

1) Re-write 1st chapter based on the philosophy of the project proposal and current content and adjust 2) Review 2nd chapter and adjust based on 1st whilst maintaining the references and expanding the content, align it with objectives of the project. Could you pls add some information from file ”0” by Roberto Castiglioni 3) Develop […]

Describe institutions and explain their role as agents as well as their structure elaborate on institutionalism as an approach and its contribution to political analysis and use an example

Description describe institutions and explain their role as agents as well as their structure elaborate on institutionalism as an approach and its contribution to political analysis and use an example

Describe how your understanding of human cultures has developed since the beginning of the semester. Why do you think the study of the Humanities is important in your role as an ethical global citizen in the world?

1. Describe at least two (2) culturally significant works of art created during the time frame of the course: Prehistory to Renaissance. The works of art can be of any medium, e.g. painting, sculpture, architecture, music, literature, theater, etc. a. Identify the works’ titles and mediums. From which cultures and time periods did they originate? […]