Explain how the two views of Socrates, the one depicted in the play The Clouds by Aristophanes and the one from The Apology by Plato differ in belief system. Cite specific differences using direct quotes from the text

Explain how the two views of Socrates, the one depicted in the play The Clouds by Aristophanes and the one from The Apology by Plato differ in belief system. Cite specific differences using direct quotes from the text

Describe, analyze, and reflect on the adolescent development of the characters portrayed in the film.

After viewing the movie ‘The Breakfast Club (Links to an external site.)’, describe, analyze, and reflect in a well written 5-7 page paper (APA format) on the adolescent development of the characters portrayed in the film. Preview the document and include at least 3 professional resources. Include your understanding of how the students construct knowledge, […]

Give an account of the allegory and briefly explain its meaning. To what extent do you find it congruent with the argument of Descartes’ First Meditation?Explain

Please read the Cave Allegory (the last installment on Plato in BB Contents). Give an account of the allegory and briefly explain its meaning. To what extent do you find it congruent with the argument of Descartes’ First Meditation?

Compare and contrast of the state of nature, as discussed by Hobbes and Locke.consider how each defines the state of nature and how each develops a notion of social contract to reach a resolution.

A comparison and contrast of the state of nature, as discussed by Hobbes and Locke. In looking at these two philosophers, please consider how each defines the state of nature and how each develops a notion of social contract to reach a resolution. Please look also at how the ideas from these philosophers are seen […]

Explore –Is wealth a permissible objective for lawyers? Is it permissible for a lawyer to be primarily concerned with earning a great deal of money?

*Choose a question. *Write a 6 page paper in response. *Answer the question directly – get right to the point. *Be concise – use only the words you need to get your idea across, avoid rambling. *Use quotation marks and cite the source when you quote. Cite your source when you paraphrase. *Avoid using outside […]

Discuss three examples of what you believe to have been the more valuable and/or relevant means of responding to crisis.

  Discuss three examples of what you believe to have been the more valuable and/or relevant means of responding to crisis. Be sure to set out, for each example, (a) what the crisis was, (b) what the response to the crisis was, and (c) why you believe this would be a valuable/relevant means of response […]