Compare what ancient greeks considered philosophy vs what we may consider philosophy. Social aspects that meant not really going against religion.

The essay should use examples and arguments in favour of Hesiod being a posible philosophical text. Aratus and Nicander can also be used as examples but personally I believe Hesiod should be the prime focus as it does have philosophical tints on a more religious level. I will add a basic structure of what I […]

Do you think a commitment to peace and conflict transformation will help you in future situations? Why or why not?Discuss

Take some time to reflect on the content you most enjoyed and your personal development throughout this course. Then, answer the following questions: 1) Now that you have completed HUMA 1301, how has your understanding of culture developed since the beginning of the semester? 2) Did you discover new works of art that you found […]

Explain Julian Savulescu’s argument that, with medical technologies like PGD and CRISPR gene editing, it is not just morally permissible to enhance our (future) children, but that we have a moral obligation to enhance our (future) children. Is Savulescu right that we have this moral obligation? Explain why or why not.

Description Explain Julian Savulescu’s argument that, with medical technologies like PGD and CRISPR gene editing, it is not just morally permissible to enhance our (future) children, but that we have a moral obligation to enhance our (future) children. Is Savulescu right that we have this moral obligation? Explain why or why not. **refer to the […]

Explore how Sartre, de Beauvoir and Camus respond to the question that suicide poses to the living.

For this assignment, explore how Sartre, de Beauvoir and Camus respond to the question that suicide poses to the living. What, for example, is at stake and what is implied in the desire for self-annihilation. Do they share Socrates’ belief that suicide is never legitimate? How is the problem of suicide related to the ideas […]

How does each country’s philosophy toward crime/criminal justice system reflect on their use or non-use?Discuss

After reading chapter 7, 8, and 9 textbook. Write a 2-page paper to answer the following questions: 1) How do policies and practices differ for each model country regarding the use of corporal punishment? 2) How does each country’s philosophy toward crime/criminal justice system reflect on their use or non-use? Please use your own words […]

Explain and evaluate Shelby’s argument that sufficiently unjust states can lose the moral right to punish some citizens for certain crimes.

SECTION B 4. Explain and evaluate Shelby’s argument that sufficiently unjust states can lose the moral right to punish some citizens for certain crimes. 5. Explain and evaluate Schouten’s argument that the gendered division of labor cannot be adequately addressed by what she calls the mal-distribution strategy.

Can freedom of association successfully explain why states should have at least a qualified moral right to set limits on immigration?Discuss

SECTION C 1. Can a robust right to freedom of speech be successfully justified by appeal to the connection between freedom of speech and democracy? 2. Can freedom of association successfully explain why states should have at least a qualified moral right to set limits on immigration? 3. “Requiring the US government to pay reparations […]

Explain Cohen’s account of socialist equality of opportunity. What, in your view, is the most important objection to this view, and is the objection successful?

1. Explain and evaluate Nozick’s claim that redistributive taxation is on a par with forced labor. 2. Explain Cohen’s objection to what he calls the right-wing argument against redistribution. Is there a way proponents of this right-wing argument can successfully evade the force of Cohen’s criticism? 3. Explain Cohen’s account of socialist equality of opportunity. […]