Explain how you can use your knowledge of these factors to build trust with the various parties involved.

You have just graduated from GCU with your MPA and landed a job as an assistant to the City of Phoenix manger. The City of Phoenix and GCU are collaborating to enact a quarter cent sales tax in order to extend the light rail down Camelback, making a stop at the main entrance of the […]

What are the notable or striking details, for you, and why? What sort of settings does Phoenix pass through, what encounters does she have, and what do things look like? In other words, tell me about Welty’s use of description in this piece.

Day and night. Light and darkness, Good and evil. The protagonist in this story leaves one setting, Salem Village, which seems to represent good, order, white European civilization, Christianity, and so on, and goes into the Wilderness, representing the exact opposite: evil, chaos, anarchy, “a devilish Indian behind every tree” and…. Wait. That’s actually the […]