Define the component in your own words as if you are explaining it to a parent.

Essential Elements Students will develop a PPT that will demonstrate substantive understanding of the six components of reading as a process: Oral Language, Phonological Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension. The Essential Elements of Reading Instruction PPT will include an overview of EACH of the six components of reading including: Definition of EACH component: (Minimum […]

How would you help the students learn to articulate the sounds he is having trouble with?

Discussion Post 300 words 3 sources Finally, after reading the chapters, the information in the websites, first discuss (1) the importance of developing phonological knowledge for literacy instruction and (2) the importance of developing phonological awareness in teaching pronunciation and spelling and (3) post a response to the following situation: You hear a conversation between […]

Do you need to order any of your rules with respect to each other? Explain.

Phonological Analysis of each Alternation in Tagalog from the data below. Tagalog (Indonesian, Philippines) has two derivational suffixes -in and -an. These suffixes induce various alternations in the roots, as exemplified by the following data. Propose an analysis to account for the alternations illustrated by these data. Do you need to order any of your […]

How old might this child be based on the writing you see-How do you know?

12 questions Q1-What ideas did you try or have you tried before with your kids? Q2Look at these preschoolers playing. Write down one thing that may be of interest to them. Then suggest something you could do to take advantage of their interest and develop their language and literacy skills Q3- What expressive (listening) and […]

What are the benefits of this lesson when teaching phonological awareness?

Peruse through the Phonological Awareness Lesson Models provided in the Teaching Reading Sourcebook (pages 128-158). Select one of the provided lesson models to discuss. Name the “Benchmark(s)” being taught. How you would use this model lesson with your students? What are the benefits of this lesson when teaching phonological awareness? How could ELL students become […]

What were the greatest aspects of this course that supported your learning?

Part I. Work with your Learning Community Group and Create a PPT showing knowledge of the Sensational Six. Each group member will submit the PPT the group worked on together.. Therefore, each group member will be associated with the same power point presentation for the group they are in. Each group will create their own […]

Explain In what stage of phonological development is Gianna in? That is, is she (a) in the pre-linguistic speech sound development stage? (b) Or in the first words stage? (c) Or in the stage characterized by phonological processes? (d) Or in the period of phonetic inventory completion? (e) Or in the stage of advanced phonology?

1.In what stage of phonological development is Gianna in? That is, is she (a) in the pre-linguistic speech sound development stage? (b) Or in the first words stage? (c) Or in the stage characterized by phonological processes? (d) Or in the period of phonetic inventory completion? (e) Or in the stage of advanced phonology? Justify […]