What has been your experience with maps and modern technologies?

Introduction In the early 1990s geospatial tools such as GIS and GPS moved from the military domain to the public domain. Since then these technologies and other spatial analysis tools such as remote sensing and interpretation of photographic images have expanded greatly. Address the following: What has been your experience with maps and modern technologies? […]

Explore the meaning of Freud’s notion of the death drive-Does it help explain anything about photographic and/or art practices?

Photography Essay Question: Explore the meaning of Freud’s notion of the death drive. Does it help explain anything about photographic and/or art practices? Reading TEXT 1 Aries Ph., (1976), Western Attitudes toward Death, London: Marion Boyars, (conclusion only) See: https://monoskop.org/images/0/0e/Ari%C3%A9s_Philippe_Western_Attitudes_Toward_Death_1976.pdf TEXT 2 Noys B., (2005), The Culture of Death, London: Berg (Introduction only) TEXT 3 […]