Analyze how the visual source effectively or ineffectively represents what the brand claims to stand for.

Question Sources: Two: one will be your visual source, the other will be the company/ brand/ organization website. Purpose: Communication exists in mediums outside of the written word. Just like a written text, a visual text communicates meaning on a deeper level beyond merely the literal. For example, photographs, print advertisements, posters, paintings, and movies […]

What are the collapse hazards of each construction type?

5 types of construction and strategies For this assignment, you are to obtain photographs from within your own community of each of the five building construction types discussed in this unit and based on National Fire Protection Association classifications. You will then write a paper, including the photographs, addressing the issues that follow. Describe the […]

Who commissioned it-Does its current function differ from its original function?

Expectation for the Assignment: A map showing the city and locating the spaces which you will discuss in your presentation. (10 points) Two significant ART museums in that city: List and include images of the three most important artworks in each museum and discuss why they are important (this is subjective, but explain your choices). […]

What does your service learning site teach us about how we should understand the problem or issue?

Written Report: Name in 2-3 paragraphs detailing the community “need” your service-learning work is helping to address. Consider how this is a social or political matter by including statistics or other data from TWO outside sources to get some good research. For instance, if you were working to end human trafficking, you might explain that […]

What new insights did you gain through becoming the character in the artwork?

Identity: Study the artwork carefully. Slowly assume the pose and facial expression of the subject. Pose in front of a mirror or ask someone to photograph you while you refine the pose. Freeze for a few seconds and pay attention to parts of your body. Study the facial expression to find clues to the subject’s […]

Explain how the learning experience you will focus on is related to your goals.

Writing your portfolio proposal will require you to identify your topic, define how your topic relates to your goals and think about the kinds of sources and documents you can use to support your portfolio. In preparing your portfolio proposal, be sure to follow all of the following assignment criteria: Your portfolio proposal must be […]

Describe in greater detail three aspects of natural variation in Arizona that were particularly intriguing to you.

Final Assignment Part 1. Describe the natural variation in Arizona. Include the following in your description: Temperature Precipitation Elevation Geology Geomorphology Soil What Type of Soil Does Arizona Have? ( Biodiversity (species richness) Biomass Plant physiognomy Include descriptions of patterns in variation. An easy example is the pattern of temperature variation with elevation. What other […]

What are potential consequences when fake news goes viral?-Why do people believe fake news?

Fake News Fake news is no longer a matter of the occasional hoax. There is growing evidence that fake news has the power to shape public opinion and even sway elections. As more Americans get their news online, it is increasingly vital that students know how to verify sources and spot fake news or images, […]

How might life in Japan have changed between the earlier photograph and the one that was taken later in time?

Comparative Analysis 1. SELECT. Select two photographs appearing in the lectures listed below. Do not choose photographs from the same lecture.Recommend that you select photographs that share something in common but differ dramatically in other ways. For example, you might select two landscape photographs, but one is a fantasy and the other is a war […]

Explain how each narrative you choose would work in counterpoint with other texts in the unit in question. Then explain how these texts would work across units on the syllabus.

Paper detalis: Your assignment for the final exercise is to suggest one more narrative for each unit of the class: detection, confession, and judgment. This narrative can be a literary text: a short story, a novella, a novel, a narrative poem. Or it can be a non-literary text, e.g., a work of history, a political […]