What do they do to remain competent, effective, and above all to keep from doing harm?

Topic: Medical Interview Healthcare Terminology Block 1 Session 4 Interview In this assignment, you will interview a physician, nurse, other provider, or a health care administrator. The three objectives of this interview are to first learn what medical terms they use on a daily basis. Second, learn what mistakes they have observed throughout their career. […]

What would be an appropriate plan of care be for Mrs. Adams-How would you prioritize the care plan?

Research and Nightingale Write a 1000-1500-word APA paper addressing each of the following points. Be sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Separate each section in your paper with a clear heading that allows your professor to know which bullet you are addressing in that section of your paper. Support your […]

What role does fair market value play in the facility’s decision?

HCAD 625 WK4 Scopes of Practice; Compensation Read week discussions, complete two topics, and use APA -7 format, References, and no more than 500 words. Q1. 1 Compensation and Fair Market Value: The president of the medical board wants to hire a premier sub-specialist to increase patient volume and income. The subspecialist’s reputation is such […]

Describe your past, current, or plans for future service/intentions for service to underserved communities, individuals, and/or causes with examples of how these intentions relate to your career as a future

Describe your past, current, or plans for future service/intentions for service to underserved communities, individuals, and/or causes with examples of how these intentions relate to your career as a future Physician Assistant. Describe your experience with online coursework, specifically delivery modality and all outcomes related to online coursework.use the space below to document anything we […]

What medication will you give either decrease/increase or maintain at given doses to achieve therapeutic effectiveness.

ASSESSING AND TREATING PATIENT WITH SLEEP/ WAKE DISORDERS/ Treatment of Isomnia in a younger Adult. Case Study: SUBJECTIVE: The patient is a 31-year-old male. He states that his insomnia has gotten progressively worse over the past 6 months. Per the patient, he has never been a “great sleeper” but he is now having difficulty falling […]

Describe the steps you would take to implement the improvements or alternative designs.

Healthcare Facility Flow Diagram Overview of the entire assignment: When designing facilities, there are many stakeholders who will be affected by its design. It is important to understand that each of the stakeholders will have a unique perspective of the facility based on their role. Imagine you and your team are stakeholders (i.e., nurse, physician, […]

What is great about this recommendation-Why is another option not the best?

Data Quality and Compliance As a seasoned Health Information Management Director who has experience with data storage and data reliability, you have been asked by the Chief Operating Officer to support LiveWell while he is underway hiring additional managers. There are two initiatives at LiveWell that will benefit from your expertise. One requires a radiology […]

Does this make you want to change the status of the relationship-Possibly even change providers-Why?

Discussion Board Week 3 Discussion: Relationship Reflect on your current relationship with your primary physician and describe what level your relationship with the practice can be assigned based on the scale below: Acquaintances – relationship is a first few times office visits. Friends – repeat usage gives the provider knowledge of the patient. Partners – […]

Describe why adopting a value-based purchasing arrangement would be financially advantageous for the physician groups-to the health plan.

Value-Based Purchasing Presentation Scenario: You work for the contracting department for a national payer that is working to convert its provider contracts to value-based arrangements. Your team is approaching large physician groups for recontracting. Develop a 12-15-slide presentation with speaker notes to show the value of converting to a value-based arrangement: Explain value-based care. Explain […]