Respond to at least two of your colleagues on 2 different days and respectfully agree or disagree with your colleague’s assessment and explain your reasoning.

Discussion question Respond to at least two of your colleagues on 2 different days and respectfully agree or disagree with your colleague’s assessment and explain your reasoning. In your explanation, include why their explanations make physiological sense or why they do not.    

Which glands are most likely to be involved with the physiological response caused in this experiment?

Post-Lab Questions ”1. Write your hypothesis for the “Testing Temperature” portion of this experiment. Be sure to include how you think the decreased temperature will affect blood pressure and heart rate, and, why. ” Click here to enter text. ”2. Write your hypothesis for the “Testing Body Position” portion of this experiment. Be sure to […]

What affect would each of these have on her blood pressure. Specifically, how would each of these factors influence blood pressure, list the neurotransmitters involved, the physiological principles involved, and any anatomical structures involved.

Case Study: Your patient has lost 50 pounds and started seeing a therapist for stress management. What affect would each of these have on her blood pressure. Specifically, how would each of these factors influence blood pressure, list the neurotransmitters involved, the physiological principles involved, and any anatomical structures involved.

Describe the physiological and psychological effects of mindfulness group practice.

Description Describe the physiological and psychological effects of mindfulness group practice. “These essays are not meant to be academic, but rather to be affective—for you to feel where and how the material touches you. Therefore, I am not expecting scholarly apparatus. If you use material directly from our class readings or from your outside reading, […]

What does the restriction of an airway mean in relation to the flow of air. How does breathing rate and depth change in restricted airway. Refer to data.

Description We just need question number 5 answered. I’ve attached the lab, results and the rest of the completed questions for referencing. Q5. Restricting the airway produced changes in the rate and depth of breathing. Can you explain why in a restricted airway the depth and rate of breathing increases? Your answer should include a […]

Describe what resting membrane potential is and how it is established. Then, accurately describe the physiological process of the action potential in the neuron, be sure to include all steps (including rest). You are encouraged to use diagrams to support your explanation just be sure to refer to them closely within your explanations.

Neurophysiology – The Action Potential This topic is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge of the physiology of the nervous system. You are welcome to use the suggested headings provided here or include relevant subheadings of your own. To begin, provide a brief introduction to the body’s nervous system. This should include a […]

Explain.The cardiovascular and cardiopulmonary pathophysiologic processes that result in the patient presenting these symptoms.

Scenario 2: A 65-year-old patient is 8 days post op after a total knee replacement. Patient suddenly complains of shortness of breath, pleuritic chest pain, and palpitations. On arrival to the emergency department, an EKG revealed new onset atrial fibrillation and right ventricular strain pattern – T wave inversions in the right precordial leads (V1-4) […]