What tips would you give to someone who has just suffered a major loss, now that you know the stages of grief?

Piaget’s and Erikson’s theories of development. Briefly explain Piaget’s and Erikson’s theories of development. Who had a better theory of human development: Erikson or Piaget? What tips would you give to someone who has just suffered a major loss, now that you know the stages of grief?

Discuss your position on if, when, and how children should be given access to social media.

Social Media Use 5 of these theories to reflect on how each of these impacts, influences, and mitigates the use of and influence of social media during early and middle childhood development. Piaget Vygotsky Emotional Development: Self-Regulation Peer Relations: Play Foundations of Morality and Aggression: Social Learning Theory (Bandura) The Other Side of Morality: Development […]

Explain how peer influences change during adolescence

Peer Influence in Adolescence Step 1: Using the information from your textbook, PowerPoint presentations, and the Internet; write a one to two-page paper on the following topic: Explain how peer influences change during adolescence Include Piaget’s formal operational stage of development and how it may impact the thoughts and choices in adolescence. Discuss the shift […]

Explain multiple intelligences, learning style preferences, and the influences these theories have on the ways teachers plan and deliver concepts to elementary school-age children.

Standards in Teaching Diverse Student Populations Exam Content Imagine you’ve been asked to present at a conference on teaching strategies for addressing individual learner needs and curriculum assessments. Many new teachers will be attending, and your insight will be valuable to them for teaching in today’s diverse classroom. Create a 12- to 14-slide presentation, with […]

Whether the developmental changes are global, universal-How the developmental changes should be assessed

The theories of Piaget and Vygotsky offer very different ways of conceptualizing key aspects of cognitive development. They also lead to different recommendations about how to teach. In an essay, compare and contrast the theories in terms of: • The major developmental changes (milestones) they describe • Whether the developmental changes are global, universal • […]

Discuss the role of self-awareness in helping children to grow in their cognitive development abilities.

Define the Piaget and Vygotsky theories of cognitive development and discuss three factors that can affect the cognitive abilities of children. Discuss the role of self-awareness in helping children to grow in their cognitive development abilities. Identify three ways that the presence of child abuse or neglect can affect a child’s normal cognitive development.

Explain the theoretical frameworks developed by Piaget and Vygotsky in relation to cognitive development and comment on how this knowledge may assist in working with children and their families

In particular:A) How do you define a secure base and safe haven and the idea of an internal working model of attachment? What might be the impact of loss, change and / or uncertainty on the development of young children’s attachments? B) Explain the theoretical frameworks developed by Piaget and Vygotsky in relation to cognitive […]

Discuss how this relates to Piaget’s concepts. State in your discussion whether it isassimiliation, accomodation etc.Remember how, until you first had the experience, you really had no understanding of what itwould really be like.

Forum Ch 3 & 4In addition to your own answer, you should respond to the posts of two peers each week.To be substantive, your reply should add more information to the discussion, bring ahelpful resource to the discussion forum, or question the response on the merit of your ownresearch.Pages 93-97 Review Piaget’s concept of scheme, […]

Explain the role of Piaget and Vygotsky’s theories in early childhood education.

Relating Piaget and Vygotsky’s Theories The theories of Piaget and Vygotsky are applied often in early childhood education. • Explain the role of Piaget and Vygotsky’s theories in early childhood education. • How do the theories complement each other? • How would classroom practices inspired by these theories be similar? How would they differ? • […]