Why is it important for pilots to be able to handle temperature extremes of heat and cold well?

Step 2: Review the question posted by your instructor below. 1.Why is it important for pilots to be able to handle temperature extremes of heat and cold well? 2. What precautions should pilots take flying into extremely variable environments? Step 3: Read other students’ initial posts and make at least two substantive responses. We can’t […]

Define and discuss why the “DECIDE” model can help pilots with their situational awareness.

Topic: Basic Flight Physiology: Chapter 4: Situation Analysis Chapter 5: Altitude Physiology Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge: Chapter 16: Navigation Paper details: You can find online the book and information Basic Flight Physiology: Chapter 4: Situation Analysis Chapter 5: Altitude Physiology Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge: Chapter 16: Navigation Define and discuss why the “DECIDE” […]