What can you learn about the competitor’s strengths and weaknesses to help understand your company’s business advantage?

Week 2 Activity – Social Listening Overview Select a business that you will use in Weeks 2 and 4 activities and Weeks 6, 8, and 10 assignments to apply social media marketing strategies. You are encouraged to use a real business or organization in order to gain practice providing these services, but you may also […]

What is the culture of each site how do users seem to respond to questionable items? (Is racism or open mocking ignored or pursued?)

Agenda-Setting Theory Many people get all or most of their news from social media. For this project, we are going to be analyzing the content of several social media sites from major news sources, paying particular attention to social media standards, practices, and regulation. Where do you get your news? Start by going to one […]

Describe the social marketing process and the marketing capabilities of social marketing platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. 

Module 4: Marketing and Advertising Module Goals After completing this module, students will be able to do the following: ⦁ Identify and describe the basic digital commerce marketing and advertising strategies and tools. ⦁ Characterize the main technologies that support online marketing ⦁ Examine the difference between traditional online marketing and the new social-mobile-local marketing […]