Did you use attribution phrases and parenthetical citations in the body of the essay to indicate which facts or ideas were taken from which sources?

How to wake people up to global climate change and how to save the planet 1) Does the essay address everything the assignment asked for? 2) Does it draw on 2-3 sources to describe the topic you want to learn more about? 3) Are the sources cited in MLA format in a bibliography at the […]

Explain the similarities that exist between incorporating the TBL framework into both the service industry and the manufacturing industry, and why.

Triple Bottom Line Industry Comparison In this module, you have learned about the benefits, drawbacks, and overall value of using the triple bottom line (TBL) in business. In this assignment, you will take a closer look at how strategies for incorporating this framework are similar and different across the manufacturing industry and the service industry. […]

Discuss the current definition of a planet.

1. Forum TOPIC 1: Discuss the current definition of a planet. The resources listed below are good places to start and further research is encouraged. What makes a planet a planet? YouTube link, https://youtu.be/8x06kN4ZMOE, The Verge, December 2016 Explanation of International Astronomical Union: https://www.iau.org/public/themes/pluto/

How is the trading of the carbon credits going to help to reduce global warming?

Summarize the article. One page double space is expected. With the summary done, describe what the climate concern is. What is a COP meeting? How important for the world to have these? How will the present energy crisis affect the meeting results at the COP26? With the emphasis on sustainability and climate change, identify winners […]

What questions does this play make you ask about the world inside it?

Play Response1: Mr. Burns: A Post-Electric Play Think of reading this play as “a visit to a small planet.” What questions does this play make you ask about the world inside it? Generate 15-20 dramaturgical questions specifically for the world of this play, using direct quotations from the play text (include page number). Your questions […]

How does the film utilize some of the techniques in the chapter especially with special effects, makeup,-optical effects?

Planet of the apes 1968 Tell me your thoughts on watching the original Planet of the Apes from 1968. What you liked. What you didn’t like. Would also like you to think about the movie in regards to the chapter we just read on Cinematography. How does the film utilize some of the techniques in […]

How would you implement the triple bottom line (people, planet, profit) concept at your chosen company using the snack food company scenario-the company of your choice? 

BUSINESS 599 WEEK 6 DISCUSSION QUESTION How would you implement the triple bottom line (people, planet, profit) concept at your chosen company using the snack food company scenario or the company of your choice? Prepare A brief description of your business (Sweet Relish Snacks), what you do, what products or services you are selling- a […]

Describe a positive benefit the Haber Bosch process has had on the planet for its human population. Explain why it is positive

Question 1: (a) It is said that the Haber Bosch process which enables to make biologically available nitrogen (fertilizer) changed the planet. Describe a positive benefit the Haber Bosch process has had on the planet for its human population. Explain why it is positive Describe a negative effect of the Haber Bosch process in terms […]