Distinguish between partnering and strategic alliances and provide examples of innovative alliances/partnerships and describe the concepts of internal partnering, partnering with suppliers, partnering with customers, partnering with potential competitors.

• Provide a synopsis of Strategic Management. • What do you think of CompuTech’s approach to strategic planning? o Would you change the process in any way? o If so, outline how and what steps you would take to modify the process, present it, and implement the new process? o Describe the strategic planning process […]

Develop strategies for organizational challenges using management theories, principles, and practices.

Evaluate the functions and applications of various management processes in the areas of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, leading, and controlling. Develop strategies for organizational challenges using management theories, principles, and practices. Analyze the impact of international, legal, social, political, economic, technological, and environmental issues as they relate to organizational behavior in terms of the individual, […]