What structure is produced that allows a new fungus to grow?  What is one thing a zygosporangium able to resist?

Question 1 Identify the taxonomic group that is most exclusive (i.e., most restrictive category). Question 2 (4 points) Distinguish between microevolution and macroevolution with respect to how the outcomes of these processes differ. Question 3 (4 points) What is the term that refers to the origins and evolution of a group of organisms? Question 4 (4 points) How […]

Identify a research article published within the last 10 years that focuses on the evolution of terrestrial plants. How is your article related to the information you addressed in your first paragraph?

Write two short paragraphs based upon lecture information, information taken from the TED Talk, and information from personal research as it pertains to our discussion of plant evolution. Paragraph Prompt 1: Given what you know about the importance of plants to life on Earth discuss, 1) a significance of plants at the global level, and […]

Are plants stakeholders? Are they primary or sec-ondary stakeholders? Do flora have rights? What about dogs and goldfish?

ETHICS IN PRACTICE CASE Are Plants and Flowers Stakeholders? Do They Have Rights? Scientists in Switzerland for years have created geneti-cally modified produce, such as rice, corn, and apples. In fact, the question has been raised as to whether they ever stopped to think that their experiments may be “humiliating” to plants. A recently passed […]