Should plastic shopping bags be banned?Discuss

Topic: Should plastic shopping bags be banned? Your Task: Carefully read each of thefour texts provided. Then, using evidence from at least three of the texts, write a well-developed argument regarding whether or not plastic shopping bags should be banned. Clearly establish your claim, distinguish your claim from alternate or opposing claims, and use specific, […]

Describe the appropriate packaging for this type of item and procedures that should have been conducted back at the lab on receipt of the evidence?

You have just obtained an item of evidence from the evidence locker. The brown paper package with intact evidence seals appears soggy at one end and there is a strong odor associated with it. On opening the evidence bag you see what appears to be a blood soaked item of clothing that has been wrapped […]

What kind of animal nests on Midway Island? What percent of the total population do they represent?

Think about your own life… how do you use plastic products? What items do you throw away every day? What is plastic made out of? How long does it take for plastic to deteriorate? What is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? Where is it located? What kind of animal nests on Midway Island? What percent […]

Who do you think should be primarily responsible for cleaning up plastic waste (consumers, tax payers, manufacturers etc)? Explain your reasoning.

Instructions For this assignment, I am going to have you watch the movie Plastic Paradise and complete the corresponding study guide.  Before starting the movie however, please take a stab at answering the first 4 bulleted questions.  Then answer the rest of the questions while watching the video. Once completed write a brief 500- 1000 word Personal Reflection […]