Briefly state what the key issue in each video is (one issue each, 2 issues total) and relate to course material for this section.

Discuss at least three (3) key ideas/concepts discussed in this section as presented in the lecture for this Module (in class or as found in Readings and Resources). Watch and relate to any 2 videos from Section Three posted in Course Resources. Briefly state what the key issue in each video is (one issue each, […]

Briefly describe their two positions on these matters, with emphases on the roles these accounts play in their larger respective projects and arguments.

In our readings, both Plato (in the Phaedo) and Descartes (in the Meditations) challenge theeveryday assumption that our bodily senses should be our primary means for understanding ourselves, the world, and our relation to it. a) Briefly describe their two positions on these matters, with emphases on the roles these accounts play in their larger […]

What is the key to  politics, according to Plato? Why is this the key?

  We hear a lot of talk in the United States about the importance of freedom. On this issue, Plato seems quite alien, for the concept of freedom does not seem to come up much in the Republic. Yet one could argue that Plato is not only concerned with “freedom” but strongly in favor of […]

Explain with specific and clearly written details.explain using your own words or no credit will be given

1-Ancient Greece is often credited with being the birthplace of democracy. However, two of its most important philosophers, it could be argued, did not approve of democracy. Summarize what Plato (Links to an external site.) and Aristotle (Links to an external site.) wrote about the ideal State and then point out any major flaws you […]

Write about: In a compelling, thesis-driven essay, discuss the key element(s) that combine to create an educated person.

Think about: In “The Allegory of the Cave,” Plato claims, “education is not what some people declare it to be, namely, putting knowledge into souls that lack it, like putting sight into blind eyes” (5). Instead, Plato defines the quest for knowledge and understanding as a turning processbreaking free from chains that bind us and […]

oes your reconstruction reveal a complex understanding of the “Socratic Dialogues”?

First Paper: Reconstruction (Plato’s System) Instructions: The “Socratic Dialogues” by Plato provide us with a rich conception of the philosophical life as lived by Socrates and of Philosophy itself. This exam will assess your grasp of Plato’s system of Philosophy as found in the “Socratic Dialogues”. Plato intentionally scattered his thought throughout the dialogues. Your […]

What is the Socrative Method?Discuss

After reading all of Chapter 1, please select ONE of the following primary source readings: “What is the Socrative Method?” by Christopher Phillips (starting on page 14) -or- “The Euthphro” by Plato (starting on page 16) Write a short, objective summary of 250-500 words which summarizes the main ideas being put forward by the author in this selection.

What is justice according to Thrasymachus in Book I? What is Plato’s (through Socrates) eventual argument about what justice actually is?Discuss

• What is justice according to Thrasymachus in Book I? What is Plato’s (through Socrates) eventual argument about what justice actually is? Taking into account these definitions, has Socrates proven his point that being unjust is worse than being just? (Republic, I & IV, also see Book IX)

Explain how the two views of Socrates, the one depicted in the play The Clouds by Aristophanes and the one from The Apology by Plato differ in belief system. Cite specific differences using direct quotes from the text

Explain how the two views of Socrates, the one depicted in the play The Clouds by Aristophanes and the one from The Apology by Plato differ in belief system. Cite specific differences using direct quotes from the text