Pre-Socratic philosophers Choose one of the elements defended by the pre-Socratic philosophers (water, fire, numbers, and so on) and argue for it as well as you can, preferably with a friend or a few friends who will try to prove you wrong. For example, if you choose fire, an immediate objection would be that fire […]
Tag Archives: Plausibility
What is it like to live one’s life as a human being?” Is this normatively-in particular, ethically significant? If so-what does it mean for a good human being to live a good or happy life?
Analytical/Interpretative/Reflective Paper Assignment on human nature: Paper you are to highlight the adequacy conditions for claims about “human nature” these philosophers have made. You are, then, to provide your analysis of the plausibility of such conditions and the reasons why the truth claims with the relevant conditions may or may not provide an adequate understanding […]