How do the witches in Macbeth control the events in the play?Discuss

How do the witches in Macbeth control the events in the play? 5 paragraphs. Thesis clearly stated at end of first paragraph with 3 evidences or reasons. Each body paragraph is about one of the 3 evidences/reasons. Each body paragraph must contain a quote from Macbeth as well as a quote from a source. Final […]

Argue that the play does or does not make a significant comment about mental illness. You may also consider a comparison of attitudes towards mental illness then and now or simply examine coping mechanisms for stress or grief. Keep in mind, you must still have something to argue.

Hamlet Essay Topics. Be sure to fully address the topic in your essay. (Pick One of these topics) 1. Research and evaluate the effectiveness of allusion in Hamlet. Consider Hamlet’s soliloquies in particular. 2. Compare Hamlet, the character, with any other prince, king, political figure or literary protagonist. 3. Argue that the play does or […]

Analyse how Hamlet explores questions of mourning and remembrance. Questions you could address in your essay include: How do different characters mourn and remember the dead? Does the society imagined in the play have shared mourning rituals, or a shared understanding of what it means to mourn or remember, or of what obligations the living have to the dead? How does the play explore the politics of memory, and the interplay between private and public or communal memory?

Assignment: Analyse how Hamlet explores questions of mourning and remembrance. Questions you could address in your essay include: How do different characters mourn and remember the dead? Does the society imagined in the play have shared mourning rituals, or a shared understanding of what it means to mourn or remember, or of what obligations the […]

Analyze the Japanese Noh play called ATSUMORI by Zeami Motokiyo.

This paper will be a play analysis on the Japanese Noh play called ATSUMORI by Zeami Motokiyo. In all, you have as much freedom on how to write about these theater conventions in Atsumori. You can reference the slides included to see what was talked about in terms of conventions (conventions simply meaning the specific […]

Compare and contrast two heroes from two of the epics we have read: Gilgamesh, the Iliad, the Odyssey, and Ramayana.

QUESTION I (50 points)—Use a minimum of 10 quotations and explain their significance fully. Compare and contrast two heroes from two of the epics we have read: Gilgamesh, the Iliad, the Odyssey, and Ramayana. Organize your essay according to Joseph Campbell’s definition of a hero: the hero as a very powerful human being who goes […]

What role does Rhetoric play in the 21st Century.Discuss

Here you will tie everything together from the semester to answer the following question: What role does Rhetoric play in the 21st Century. Rhetoric and writing have changed so much since the time of Plato. Writing and Rhetoric have even drastically changed in the last few years. Rhetoric itself has been defined in so many […]

Select a novel or play and, focusing on one symbol, write an essay analyzing how that symbol functions in the work and what it reveals about the characters or themes of the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot.

Select a novel or play and, focusing on one symbol, write an essay analyzing how that symbol functions in the work and what it reveals about the characters or themes of the work as a whole. Do not merely summarize the plot. You may choose from one of these works or another novel or play […]

How do literary features—including character, setting, plot, diction, imagery, and figurative devices—connect your specific passage to the play as a whole? How and why do Shakespeare’s literary decisions enhance the deeper meaning and dramatic impact of the passage?Discuss

(Conduct a close reading of a passage (~25–100 lines) from William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream that engages with the cycle theme of Animals, People, and Power. Construct an interpretive thesis about how this passage relates to a larger theme in the play and paraphrase specific textual evidence from the passage to support your claim. […]

What were Antigone’s weaknesses as seen in the play?Discuss

Topic: What were Antigone’s weaknesses as seen in the play? Paper details: ntro– Make purpose clear and give brief overview of ideas– no quotes. Mention title and author in first sentence. Body– 3 paragraphs are required with 2 quotes in each paragraph embedded within the paragraph. No less than 6 quotes in the paper. do […]