Explain how reading Sophocle′s Oedipus the King from a modern perspective can lead to a unique understanding of the events of the play.

An interpretive essay in which you will consider a problem in the modern world and then explain how reading Sophocle′s Oedipus the King from a modern perspective can lead to a unique understanding of the events of the play. Use the uploaded file which includes my thesis statement, and the outline of the essay, and […]

Identify whether the provision is major or minor,Discuss

Planning:Plan a play experience. Identify whether the provision is major or minor (you need to do at least one major provision). Use the criteria from the Providing for Play lesson to identify which type of provision it is.Introduce the Play Experienceto children:If you set up an invitation or a provocation, make sure you take a […]

Think about how Mrs. Peters’ character changes over the course of the play. How does she come across in the beginning of the play? The middle? End? Write an essay in which you examine both Mrs. Peters’ evolving character as it is revealed in Trifles and her significance to the play’s theme.

1. Think about how Mrs. Peters’ character changes over the course of the play. How does she come across in the beginning of the play? The middle? End? Write an essay in which you examine both Mrs. Peters’ evolving character as it is revealed in Trifles and her significance to the play’s theme. Also use […]

What play and creative experiences are the children participating in?Discuss

Description Children’s play and creative experiences TMA 02 involves: Watching a video of the group of children playing in the Forest School. Then, writing an essay from your study of Chapters 1–6, answering the question: What play and creative experiences are the children participating in? (1500 words) Then Write an essay, from your study of […]

Explain how the play exemplifies the playwright’s theme, argument or idea. Discuss the use of language, situation, theatrical effects or conventions, etc.

-Identify the date, time and theatre where the performance you attended occurred. Also, the type of play: drama, comedy, tragedy, musical comedy, mystery thriller, farce, etc. -Name the playwright, the director, the designers and the actors and their roles. Note: Don’t confuse the actor’s name with the character’s name. -Give a brief synopsis of the […]

Describe in detail one particular moment that stood out in the play, and talk about the situation of the character in that moment. What was happening for that character? What did s/he want? What got in the way?

Description   ESSAY QUESTIONS (Required) 1) Discuss the work of ONE performer that stood out to you. Clearly state both the performer name and the name(s) of the character(s) he or she played. Incorporate terminology and concepts from Topic 12/Chapter 4: The Art of the Actor in your response. (250-300 words; 30pts) Describe in detail […]

What’s more important in the play–its social criticism or its conventional, even conservative structure? Why do you think this?

Topic: What’s more important in the play–its social criticism or its conventional, even conservative structure? Why do you think this? Paper details: Much of the humor in “The Importance of Being Earnest” comes as Wilde makes fun of Victorian culture, with its superficiality and snobbery. But the play does still use the traditional form of […]