Analyze the play but analyze it based on your own close reading.

Essay 3: Drama Analysis Essay length is 5-6 pages, not including the Work Cited page. Do not use outside resources to analyze the play but analyze it based on your own close reading.Essay 3: Drama Analysis Essay length is 5-6 pages, not including the Work Cited page. Do not use outside resources to analyze the […]

What is overall color, value, and texture of scenic environment? Examples: bright red and shiny? murky brown like old burlap?Discuss.

I. SCRIPT ANALYSIS What is the major conflict of the play? In what context does this conflict occur in present times? Why should the play be presented in its historic context? How might a contemporary audience accept it? Could the play take place in a different scenic environment? What do we know about the main […]

Put this play into a modern context, how would it change, would it? What is the relevance of this play today?Explain.

This paper should examine the concept Does this play reinforce or challenge sexist stereotypes? Expctation Put this play into a modern context, how would it change, would it? What is the relevance of this play today? The primary purpose of this assignment is to find inherent connection through classic and modern mediums of art, in […]