What are the origins of the Pocahontas Perplex, according to Green’s article? What

AMIND 440 Week 5 PowerPoint Lecture.pptx AMIND 440 Week 5 Lecture Notes.docx Excerpts from William Bradford’s Journal “Of Plymouth Plantation” https://www.businessinsider.com/the-real-story-of-… Disney’s Pocahontas Movie Trailer https://www-jstor-org.libproxy.sdsu.edu/stable/25088595?seq=1metadata_info_tab_contents or this week’s discussion blog, write a 400-word minimum response to this week’s readings based on the following questions. How do this week’s materials relate to/build off of the […]

How does Smith view the Native Americans with whom he deals? Explain how this view influences his account of one or more events in the text.

Discussion 2: John Smith Smith For this week’s forum, respond to ONE of the following questions: 1. Choose one word that describes how Smith characterizes himself and discuss whether or not that self-characterization remains consistent or is complicated by the events he narrates. 2. Explain how the text advances certain values that are consistent with […]

Name some differences in how Disney tells the tale versus how some of this week&x27;s references (lecture, textbook) approach settler colonialism?

Disney's Pocahontas Short Paper (Humanities) Write a one-page or more (12 point, double-spaced) paper that answers the following questions: 1) How does Disney create a benevolent ideology in Pocahontas? 2) How are the characters used to tell a neo-colonialist story? 3) Name some differences in how Disney tells the tale versus how some of this […]