Describe what you thought was most interesting or surprising in this video/article/podcast and why you thought that.

Read/watch/listen to one of the videos/articles/podcasts listed in the week you missed. Write a 250-word response to the video/article/podcast that includes the following: Summarize the key points of the video/article/podcast. Describe what you thought was most interesting or surprising in this video/article/podcast and why you thought that. Explain how this information connects to your life, […]

list three different entity types and why you might choose each one when starting a new venture.

Listen to this podcast on the link and use the pdf attached to answer the two questions: In a minimum of 1-page, double-spaced, answer the following questions (roughly one paragraph per answer): 1) From the PowerPoint presentation on Chapter 14, list three different entity types and why you might choose each one when starting […]

How might you as a social worker help undo some of the myths in your practice?

Topic: Reflective Journal Listen to “Widow We do Now Podcast: Grief Mythology” Episode (Relevant content begins about minute 18). Podcast episode is embedded below, or you can link to the podcast homepage here (scroll to episode 9). Listen After listening to the podcast “Grief Mythology,” what are some of the myths of grief that surprised […]

Discuss how you would/could impact the group of your choice.

The Problem We All Live With You are to listen to the podcast (see link below).  As you hear the story, you will hear that the podcast discusses several groups related to the issue.  Imagine that you are asked to intervene or help one of the groups. Think about and then choose the group you […]

Write a reflection/reaction essay about the podcast and how you see the ideas and themes from it connecting with concepts covered in this class.

Listen to this podcast ( in entirety. -Write a reflection/reaction essay about the podcast and how you see the ideas and themes from it connecting with concepts covered in this class. Be sure to be specific about which psychological phenomena and concepts you are linking the podcast content to in your writing. You may link […]

What strategies did you learn from the videos and podcast in this module-How can you apply these strategies to a real business? Business Plan MIT Videos: Section 2, Part 1 – Marketing and Sales. What strategies did you learn from the videos and podcast in this module? How can you apply these strategies to a real business? Provide examples. Share at least one thing you found interesting and/or useful.

Was it alarming, or was it particularly interesting to you, bring some detail to the discussion about this?

After listening to this podcast in its entirety, consider what you have just learned about the importance of proper testing and monitoring of autoclaves. What was the number one topic that interested you, and why? Was it alarming, or was it particularly interesting to you, bring some detail to the discussion about this?

Create a list of eight fun facts you have uncovered in your research so far-Why are these particular facts significant?

Fun Facts Research and Prep – TOPIC – PAGERS/BEEPERS Fun facts: Create a list of eight fun facts you have uncovered in your research so far. Why are these particular facts significant? How do they challenge and expand our existing assumptions about communications technologies? What new or alternative perspective do they offer to our usual […]

Would you recommend this podcast-How about the podcast-at-large-Any others look interesting to you?

HEALTHCARE POLICY HEALTHCARE POLICY PODCAST PRESENTATION Description: Each student will select a single podcast that is of interest to them from the site options provided in Blackboard. Students must select a unique podcast that is directly related to health policy—state, national, or international in scope. Directions: Provide an overview of the podcast including information about […]