How does the podcast relate to theories that we have discussed this week or in another week?

A $60 dollar tip will be provide Response Papers (2 pages each). It MUST contain in-text citations and references. Only one direct quote is allowed per paper. You should paraphrase material and cite it to support your ideas. 4 Week 13 (4/9 Sunday) Psychological Here go some podcasts you could choose from . You […]

What other artworks from past art movements does this relate to?

Homework question Share a work of political art from this week’s reading, podcasts or videos that truly spoke to you. Include 2-3 images of the piece labeled with artist name, title of work, medium and year. If site or duration is relevant information include that too. Answer the following in a brief 2-3 paragraph response. […]

What is causing the problems the supervisor (s) are having?

PSY 3301 – PODCAST/MOVIE ASSIGNMENT You can choose between ONE of the following movies or ONE of the following podcasts. You are to assume the role of the IO Consultant assigned to their workplace.write your two-page assessment (12 point font, double spaced, no title page or references). Consider the following in your assessment. What is […]

Describe social determinants of health that impact the health disparity of the at-risk aggregate.

Disparities Report – Midterm Examination Objectives: Use the concepts of aggregate at risk and health disparities for assessing needs and planning care. Describe social determinants of health that impact the health disparity of the at-risk aggregate. Determine the health status of the at-risk aggregate by interpreting demographic, epidemiological, and statistical data. Analyze current data concerning […]

What economic, legal, and ethical responsibilities does the corporation have to these various stakeholders?

Choose one of the four topics listed below. Explore the articles, videos, and podcasts below each topic. Feel free to do further research as well. Academic honesty: If you quote verbatim, or use any author’s idea, please indicate your source by placing the author’s name in parenthesis at the end of the quoted material or […]

Outline how you plan on achieving each goals-What actions will you take to help the goal come true?

Write yourself a personal financial plan. Use everything we’ve covered in class (lectures, readings, videos, podcasts, quizzes) to develop the following four part financial plan. State your financial planning goals. Include two more goals you would like to achieve for each of the following time frames: Short term (less than 6 months), Intermediate term (6-60 […]

What solutions does your discipline (propose-recommend) for the ‘problem of disability’?  

Barriers to sexual and reproductive health care for disabled people (or a particular subgroup – disabled LGBTQ youth, women with intellectual disabilities requiring OB/GYN care etc) Describe a disability related situation or issue that is relevant to your discipline (nursing).Note you may not do a case study for this paper. The point of this paper […]

How have you gained previous insight into this field – lectures, seminars, work, conferences or conversations with academic staff?

Personal statement Capture Why You Want to Study Particular Masters-Show your enthusiasm When did you become interested in this field and why? Why are you applying for this course? What do you hope to gain from the programme? Convey enthusiasm and genuine interest. Are there specific reasons why you have chosen a particular university to […]

Choose an episode from one of the below-listed podcasts,an episode that interests you,Discuss

For this assignment, you can choose an episode from one of the below-listed podcasts. You should choose an episode that interests you, whether it discusses things related to course content, preparing for law school or the legal profession, current issues, etc. I tried to find podcast that have minimal (if any) obvious political skew, and […]