Write a paragraph discussing the images, repeated words, and general theme of Leonard Cohen’s poem “Everybody Knows”.

Exercise 6 Write a paragraph discussing the images, repeated words, and general theme of Leonard Cohen’s poem “Everybody Knows”. The analysis should explain how this work speaks to you while focusing on specific lines and images in the poem, especially those repeated.

Explain what you learned about the difference between experiencing, interpreting and evaluating

Zooming in on a Poem Choose one casebook (for example, parent-child poems), read the casebook poems/songs. Find at least one poem and one song of the assigned poems or songs in your casebook. Copy and paste the poem or lyrics after your entry. Number the lines. Write four paragraphs. In the first paragraph, write about […]

What movie, poem, musical composition, or novel has most influenced your life and the manner in which you view the world? Why?

Scholarship Essay What movie, poem,musical composition , or novel has most influenced your life and the manner in which you view the world? Why? ( This is for a high school African American baseball player trying to receive money for school).

What significance do you think might be attached to the bluebird-What conflict is expressed in the poem?

Poem What significance do you think might be attached to the bluebird? What conflict is expressed in the poem? Is it a matter of differing moral views, of varying awareness of Mary and her character, or of maturity in judgment? Whose attitude do you admire more, that of Mary’s friends, or that of their mothers? […]

The repeating first and third lines of Elizabeth Bishop’s poem “One Art” claim that “The art of losing isn’t hard to master” and that “loss is no disaster.” How does the rest of the poem support or contradict these claims? How does the theme of loss in this poem relate to at least ONE other work assigned in this class this term?​Discuss

Exam Question The repeating first and third lines of Elizabeth Bishop’s poem “One Art” claim that “The art of losing isn’t hard to master” and that “loss is no disaster.” How does the rest of the poem support or contradict these claims? How does the theme of loss in this poem relate to at least […]

Explain how each narrative you choose would work in counterpoint with other texts in the unit in question. Then explain how these texts would work across units on the syllabus.

Paper detalis: Your assignment for the final exercise is to suggest one more narrative for each unit of the class: detection, confession, and judgment. This narrative can be a literary text: a short story, a novella, a novel, a narrative poem. Or it can be a non-literary text, e.g., a work of history, a political […]