Compose a poem using figures of speech and musical effects.

Compose a poem using figures of speech and musical effects Write a poem. Choosing a theme that appeals to you, (BASKETBALL) write a lyric poem using any meter and rhyme scheme that you wish. Be certain that your poem contains: images that can be visualized by the reader; at least one metaphor or simile; and […]

Write an analysis and reflection paragraph giving your impression of “The Unknown Citizen”. In your paragraph, address the questions “Was he free?” and “Was he happy?”

Write a prose paraphrase of the poem “The Unknown Citizen.” W. H. Auden – 1907-1973 This paraphrase should be detailed enough to make the poem’s content clear and be at least 250 words in length. Write an analysis and reflection paragraph giving your impression of “The Unknown Citizen”. In your paragraph, address the questions “Was […]

Analyze three sensory details in Langston Hughes I, Too and Harlem, what specific sense (touch, sight, taste, etc.) does Hughes evoke in these lines and how do these senses relate to the meanings of the poem?

Analyze three sensory details in Langston Hughes I, Too and Harlem, what specific sense (touch, sight, taste, etc.) does Hughes evoke in these lines and how do these senses relate to the meanings of the poem?

Analyze three sensory details in Langston Hughes I, Too and Harlem poems, what specific sense (touch, sight, taste, etc.) does Hughes evoke in these lines and how do these senses relate to the meanings of the poem?

Analyze three sensory details in Langston Hughes I, Too and Harlem poems, what specific sense (touch, sight, taste, etc.) does Hughes evoke in these lines and how do these senses relate to the meanings of the poem?

How does Sin’s Body and Eve’s identity reveal Milton’s disturbing notions of femininity and womanhood in the poem? Using Milton’s “Divorce Tract” how does Milton help frame his notions of femininity and womanhood in these characters?Discuss

Description The Essay should cover the question How does Sin’s Body and Eve’s identity reveal Milton’s disturbing notions of femininity and womanhood in the poem? Using Milton’s “Divorce Tract” how does Milton help frame his notions of femininity and womanhood in these characters?

Choose a favourite poem/play/or prose work, or just a work that interests you in some way, from any historical period. Learn as much as you can about its publication, dissemination, reception, or other topics of the type we have studied in this course. (For example, a nineteenth-century novel might have been first published as a three-decker). Does this information about the material life of your work add to a scholarly analysis of its content? If so, in which ways? What does a book historical analysis offer to a student of literature, history, or culture

Description “Choose a favourite poem/play/or prose work, or just a work that interests you in some way, from any historical period. Learn as much as you can about its publication, dissemination, reception, or other topics of the type we have studied in this course. (For example, a nineteenth-century novel might have been first published as […]

Write an essay in which you analyze the poem’s literary elements (parts of the poem and figures of speech) and use this analysis to interpret the meaning of this poem: “Mid-term Break”

write an essay in which you analyze the poem’s literary elements (parts of the poem and figures of speech) and use this analysis to interpret the meaning of this poem: “Mid-term Break” Analysis of poetry paper will be graded based on the below criteria. To what extent the student . . . Identifies the title […]

Write a 3-4 paragraph (one page) response about what the poem is about. What made you select this one out of the four? What is your interpretation of the poem? What is the writer’s message? Is there a central theme? Do you see any imagery or symbolism?

Description Select one of the poems that I have uploaded from the book “Love Poems” by Andrada Costoiu. This is a two-part assignment. See Module 13 for 4 documents I have uploaded including the author’s bio, assignment, poems, and poetry terms. Part I: Write a 3-4 paragraph (one page) response about what the poem is […]

Develop your response into an essay.Use “Ozymandias” or “On Chapman’s Honor”

For your final essay, I would like for you to develop your response into an essay. You will be using whichever poem, “Ozymandias” or “On Chapman’s Honor” for this essay. This essay will be two to three pages (500 words). You may use your two sources from the journal entry for the paper. The paper […]