What techniques did you employ for that purpose-With the approval of your instructor, other art forms may be selected for this assignment.

During this final section, you will be required to write your own short story or poem, employing the techniques learned in this class to help you create a structure and define your style and subject. Works of art communicate something about the person or the society in which they are produced.Write a three-page short story, […]

Compare a section of Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself” with one of Emily Dickinson’s poems. How are they similar? How are they different?

Topic: compare Compare a section of Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself” with one of Emily Dickinson’s poems. Paper details: Compare a section of Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself” with one of Emily Dickinson’s poems. How are they similar? How are they different? Focus on TONE, MOOD, and IMAGERY (as defined in the Literary Devices document). […]

Look back at the short stories, poems and plays we read and discussed during the semester:Does one stand out? Did you like it or hate it? Why?Explain

Look back at the short stories, poems and plays we read and discussed during the semester answer the following questions: Does one stand out? Did you like it or hate it? Why? Be specific and give examples. Your post should be at least 200 words

Pick two or three poems that are related by shared concepts, words, settings, or techniques.Explain what the poems have in common.

Pick a single poem and annotate it in its entirety Pick two or three poems that are related by shared concepts, words, settings, or techniques. If you choose the second option, you will need to select chunks of the poems and write short commentaries (using the comment function in track changes) that explain what the […]

Choose one of the poems for this lesson’s readings. Evaluate the poet’s stylistic methods according to the central criteria we noted for modernist poetry (i.e. fragmentation, juxtaposition, allusion). How does your poem’s use of OR lack of these elements change the readability of this work, as compared to Eliot’s The Waste Land or Pound’s Hugh Selwyn Mauberly?

Description Choose one of the poems for this lesson’s readings. Evaluate the poet’s stylistic methods according to the central criteria we noted for modernist poetry (i.e. fragmentation, juxtaposition, allusion). How does your poem’s use of OR lack of these elements change the readability of this work, as compared to Eliot’s The Waste Land or Pound’s […]

Explain how the relationship between the generations (e.g. a parent or grandparent and a son or daughter or grandchildren or other relative) is presented in the three following poems

Description Poems about Families: Explain how the relationship between the generations (e.g. a parent or grandparent and a son or daughter or grandchildren or other relative) is presented in the three following poems (Attached)

Choose one or more poems from your course reading list and explain how at least one of these characteristics is employed and how it contributes to the overall message of the poem.

Description For this assignment, you will choose one of the two prompts below and write an 800-1200-word essay in response about it. Include quotations and textual evidence from the works you’ve chosen and cite them in MLA format. Please cite any  lessons you use as resources (including lesson title and instructor’s name). Your essay must […]

Compare and contrast two poems with similar contexts and themes. Choose examples that challenge assumptions about gender, race, economic status, or generational differences. How are these poems alike? How are they different? What messages do the poems include about our culture and society?

Compare and contrast two poems with similar contexts and themes. Choose examples that challenge assumptions about gender, race, economic status, or generational differences. How are these poems alike? How are they different? What messages do the poems include about our culture and society?

Compare and contrast the concept of death in John Donne’s [Death be not Proud], and Percy Shelly’s “Ozymandias.” Both seem to address the concept of physical life and what lies beyond, but both do so in very different ways. Where do these two poems agree and disagree? What meaning can you determine from the different ways in which these two poems consider the same subject

1) Compare and contrast the concept of death in John Donne’s [Death be not Proud], and Percy Shelly’s “Ozymandias.” Both seem to address the concept of physical life and what lies beyond, but both do so in very different ways. Where do these two poems agree and disagree? What meaning can you determine from the […]

Identify and explain a shared theme that links the three Frost poems from this week’s discussion posts. The poems are “The Road Not Taken,” “Fire and Ice,” and “Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening”

Identify and explain a shared theme that links the three Frost poems from this week’s discussion posts. The poems are “The Road Not Taken,” “Fire and Ice,” and “Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening”