Examine the specific themes, subject matter, and/or stylistic characteristics of your chosen poet’s work.

Essays will examine both a primary work (or works) by your chosen author, as well as critical, historical, and/or biographical secondary materials. In order for your essay to receive a “C” or better, you must incorporate both primary and secondary resources. Essays will cover your chosen writer’s poetry, but should also emphasize and examine the […]

Identify at least three key words in the sonnet, words that seem particularly important or that are unfamiliar to you. Look them up in the dictionary (preferably the Oxford English Dictionary) and write down their most relevant meaning or meanings. What new insights into the sonnet arise from understanding its key words?

Description Sonnet Journal 2 Language (Purpose: to analyze how the poet uses language in the sonnet) 1. Vocabulary: Identify at least three key words in the sonnet, words that seem particularly important or that are unfamiliar to you. Look them up in the dictionary (preferably the Oxford English Dictionary) and write down their most relevant […]

Who is speaking and why? What situation or event inspired the poet to write the sonnet? What is the speaker’s attitude towards his topic?

Description Poetry Journal 1 Discussion Forum Please complete Poetry Journal 1. When complete, submit it to the discussion board for group discussion with your classmates. Remember, to receive full credit for the discussion, you must submit your journal AND respond to at least two of your classmates’ postings. Sonnet Journal 1 Meaning and Content (Purpose: […]

Why was there such a condition of totalitarianism in the early decades of the twentieth century?

Chapter 3, Total War, Totalitarianism, and the Arts (please answer questions in complete sentences.) 1. Why was there such a condition of totalitarianism in the early decades of the twentieth century? 2. In Owen’s Dulce Et Decorum Est, why does the poet try to reconcile the technology of modern war with traditional ideas of patriotism? […]