How did the “idealness” of each gas change with increasing pressure?

Answer the following questions with respect to your completed excel data from this week. Answer to the best of your ability, sometimes you are being asked what you think. Cite any resources that you use. What are the three compounds/molecules you modeled this week? Where did you find their critical point data? Are gases expected […]

What magnetic polarity does the Earth’s geographic north pole have ?

Create your initial post on the DQ 11 Discussion Board in response to the following questions: Before the invention of GPS travelers relied on a compass to show whether there were moving north-, south-, east, or west-bound. In your own words, what is the general working principle behind a compass? What magnetic polarity does the […]

Does dragging slowly or quickly produce the largest voltage and brightest light? Why?

Which coil produced the largest voltage and brightest light in the bulb? Why? Does dragging slowly or quickly produce the largest voltage and brightest light? Why? Would switching the polarity of the magnet change your results? Why or why not? Try switching the polarity of the magnet by pressing the button in the lower right. […]