Rank the following antebellum developments in order of most important (1) to least important (6) in precipitating the sectional crisis of the 1850s.

Rank the following antebellum developments in order of most important (1) to least important (6) in precipitating the sectional crisis of the 1850s. Religions and moral reform movements Industrialization and technological innovation Expansion of voting rights Intensification of slavery in the South Increased political polarization Territorial expansion Now explain your decision-making process in a short […]

What type of reform would you propose to the legislative process to break the gridlock?

Lesson 5 Discussion Lesson Five Discussion Question: Use the information provided in your textbook on the Congress, relevant Internet websites and these two congressional websites to respond to the discussion question below. Link: http://www.house.gov Link: http://www.senate.gov/index.htm How a Bill Becomes a Law may appear to be a fairly straightforward and not all that complex a […]

Which agency is implementing the policy-Who has authority-What is the level of funding and source(s) of funding for implementation?

TOPIC: Texas Air Pollution Policies: Petroleum Industries Case Study 1. Problem: CHAPTER 1: Overview of what the environmental or natural resource problem or issue is and who it is affecting – what, who, when, why, and how? Is there some degree of scientific uncertainty associated with the problem? 2. Policy Response: CHAPTER 2: What public […]