Summarize your understanding of “What happens when police commit crimes?” and pull out those aspects of the article that you feel demonstrate or detract from Hunt’s theory

Short Essay: Hunt, the Rule of Law, and the Police The Task: In his article Law, State and Class Struggle’, Alan Hunt discusses how law functions to reinforce the conditions key of capitalism. His analysis demonstrates how ‘domination’ and ‘hegemony’ shape our thinking and some principles of our law and legal system service to undermine […]

What are the stress factors causing police officers to make mistakes on the jobs, with the public having seen and heard of incidents is there anything set in place to prevent more stress and provide better options?

Start with an introductory paragraph about your research topic and why it is of interest. Guide your reader from your research area to your research topic, then on to your general research question, and specific research question Provide a purpose statement that conveys your intentions about what you hope to produce Focus on one or […]

Can diversity in law enforcement reduce racially-charged police violence?

Can diversity in law enforcement reduce racially charged police violence? Discuss your attitude, opinion, or thoughts on this topic prior to taking the course. Briefly outline relevant material covered in the course concerning your chosen topic. Discuss whether the course and this material supported, changed, or had little impact on your prior position.

Why is community policing outreach to immigrants and refugees important?

Essay Questions for chapter 1 and 2 Completely understand the concept. What is the difference between immigrants, refugees and asylum seekers? Why is community policing outreach to immigrants and refugees important? What are some barriers to a positive relationship between immigrants and police? How is culture relevant to law enforcement? Give Specific examples. What is […]

What is demonstrative evidence, and why is it used to clarify issues in trials?

Unit 1 Assignment You are a new member of a crime scene investigative (CSI) unit that is only a couple of months old. The Chief of Police asks you to create an introductory document for a new community outreach program. The goal is to help the community understand the different types of evidence and how […]

Would you resist arrest or would you allow yourself to be detained without a fight?

Being Arrested Not all arrests end this way, for sure only a fraction do. Yet, many, many people still today have high anxiety when they think they might be stopped by the police and possibly arrested. An arrest may happen for something you might not be aware of doing or you might look like someone […]

Discuss three questions surrounding police use of the TASER.

Write a response to each of the following questions in 450-700 words. Respond to each of the following: 1. Why is communication important for police? List five guidelines for effective communication and use examples to illustrate their importance. 2. Discuss three questions surrounding police use of the TASER. Use detail and examples to illustrate. 3. […]

Does watching this video give you an idea of what an officer does?

“Tustin Police Department Recruitment Video” Tustin Recruitment Video Discussion: Discuss what you see on the video. (answer both questions below) What jobs are available to the recruit? Does watching this video give you an idea of what an officer does? Assignment Discussion Questions: You are a local law enforcement agency head. You are faced with […]