Discuss two challenges that a Chief may face trying to maintain relationships with community stakeholders (such as the organizations/groups you chose) in their role as a Police Chief and the duties and responsibilities that they have in that role.

Discussion Week 1 While we all know the police serve the “community,” it is important to understand that the community is made of an enormous number of individuals, groups, and organizations. Each of these have their own beliefs when it comes to the police. Select at least three organizations or groups from outside the police […]

Explain the role of a fusion center in the day-to-day operations of a large metropolitan police agency.

Critical Thinking Week 3 1.) Explain the role of a fusion center in the day-to-day operations of a large metropolitan police agency. Do you think that fusion centers would be very helpful to smaller agencies as well? Why or why not? 2.) Do you believe the county sheriff is more or less powerful than a […]