What three hypotheses have been formulated to explain the relationship between the police unions-the police subculture?

Week 7 Review In terms of financial management, how did the economic crash of 2007 affect the relationship of states with their local units of government? Why is it argued that law enforcement agencies should not receive any portion of the assets that are forfeited as the result of their investigative actions? What were the […]

What would you do now if you were a police detective in this situation?Explain your answer.

Detective Three months after the victim was shot, doctors tell the police that the victim is about to die. Because the victim has been in and out of consciousness at the hospital ever since the shooting, the police have not conducted any identification procedures with the victim, although they have identified the prime suspect. What […]

What are the red flags throughout this story of Jenny? Do you see a pattern similar to the power and control cycle and if so describe what you see throughout Andrew and Jenny’s relationship?Discuss

Jenny is a 25 year old girl who has been having difficult time at home. It is noted her in history that her father, who raised her, had a short temper and got angry often and in Jenny’s words “…some times he would just flip. You’ll never know why” and “when he’s angry somebody is gonna […]

Discuss the problems faced by today’s police departments that were also present during the early days of policing.

Discuss the problems faced by today’s police departments that were also present during the early days of policing. Distinguish between the duties of the state police, sheriffs’ departments, and local police departments. Do you believe that the general public has greater respect for the police today than in the past? If so why? If not, […]

Explain the “21 foot” rule. Do you believe it is still relevant in policing in 2021?List the levels (continuums) of force police use and give an example of each.How does corruption within a police department reflect on the community it serves?

1.List five (5) factors that influence police discretion and explain each in detail (combination of video presentation and textbook). (1B). What are quotas? How are they used by police departments/police administrators? In your opinion, do you believe quotas are unethical? Why/why not? (1C). The video presentation discussed seven potential problems with police discretion. Briefly discuss […]