What signs of religion do you see? Discuss the types of churches, mosques, temples? What services are offered by these churches, e.g., Day Care, Mother’s Day Out, Summer Camps, Languages Classes, Citizenship Classes, Food Banks, Clothing, other.

● Boundaries What defines the boundaries? Roads, water, railroads. Is the area known for a particular name? What area is this community located in? ● Housing and Zoning What is the age of the houses? Describe type of construction material, appearance, and general condition. Do you see single family housing? Multi-family housing? ● Common Meeting […]

Explain How does a management style impact on the effectiveness of a police chief? Which style works best?

Description 1. How does a management style impact on the effectiveness of a police chief? Which style works best? NOTE: When referencing management styles, be sure to cite your researched resources in APA format. 2. What does it take to become a police officer? What are the three categories of people seeking a police position […]

Discuss What strategies should be used to build better police community relationships, based on the data?

• Delineate the data collection instruments that were used in the six research articles on Police and Community Relationships. • From the “gaps” that you discovered in the research from Topic 6, create one research question. • Describe which research methodology should be used to better understand the issue you have chosen to study. • […]

Discuss what changes can be implemented by police agencies in order to continue its mission of service to the public and regain the public trust.

Description The current public view of policing is one of distrust. In this research paper, discuss what changes can be implemented by police agencies in order to continue its mission of service to the public and regain the public trust.

Explain the significance of the exclusionary rule, its three primary purposes, and how does the rule discourage unreasonable search and seizure.

In a minimum of 400 words, explain the significance of the exclusionary rule, its three primary purposes, and how does the rule discourage unreasonable search and seizure. In addition, the Court has identified situations in which evidence obtained is admissible in court even though something may have been wrong with either the conduct of the […]

Examine the manner in which Saudi Arabia criminal code would likely view the crime you witnessed. Provide a rationale for the response.

Description research the differences in criminal code and legal procedures between the United States and Sadi Arabia. Imagine you are traveling abroad in Sadi Arabia when you witness a local national committing a violent assault. The criminal is arrested and charged by the police. Upon returning to the United States, a professor in one of […]

Compare and contrast police reactions as they relate to violence in schools, homes, and workplaces. Provide one example of each to support your response.

Select at least two types of changes (for example, public and society, law enforcement officers, police bureaucracy, standards community involvement, technology), and examine how the selected changes have affected police operations, mission, and values, or goals and objectives in the 21st century in the United States. Support your response. Explain the various lines of communications […]

Discuss the best practices and behaviors for enhancing community-police relations. Describe which police departments (of the four) would benefit the most from specific best practices.

Description Use the U.S. Department of Justice website to find and research four police departments and their relationships with their communities. Write a 1,250-1,500-word comparative analysis of those four departments and their interactions with their communities. Include the following: • Discuss both the negative and positive relationships that these departments have had with their communities. […]

Identify and describe the current climate of sexual violence and the increase in awareness of its prevalence and under-reporting

Description PLEASE FOLLOW THE BELOW INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY, ALSO THIS IS A UK ESSAY! Sexual violence is known to be widely under-reported in the UK. Discuss why this is the case, drawing upon the social context and normalisation of sexual violence, perceptions of the police as an organisation and the structure of the criminal justice system. […]