Discuss the problems faced by today’s police departments that were also present during the early days of policing.

Discuss the problems faced by today’s police departments that were also present during the early days of policing. Distinguish between the duties of the state police, sheriffs’ departments, and local police departments. Do you believe that the general public has greater respect for the police today than in the past? If so why? If not, […]

Explain the “21 foot” rule. Do you believe it is still relevant in policing in 2021?List the levels (continuums) of force police use and give an example of each.How does corruption within a police department reflect on the community it serves?

1.List five (5) factors that influence police discretion and explain each in detail (combination of video presentation and textbook). (1B). What are quotas? How are they used by police departments/police administrators? In your opinion, do you believe quotas are unethical? Why/why not? (1C). The video presentation discussed seven potential problems with police discretion. Briefly discuss […]

Research and analyse the process of Policing and Prosecuting Cybercrime in the UK.

Description Research and analyse the process of Policing and Prosecuting Cybercrime in the UK. It is important to consider what challenges policing and prosecution face at each stage of the process and compare and contrast any examples from other countries/research/analysis that you find to emphasize the points made

Cite another author or source who talks about protests and politics in public order policing. Compare and contrast.

Description Use at least 2 sources from books, Articles, journals and authoritative websites, Home Office, college of policing. List of Citation of Books and Articles, books or journals. Cite another author or source who talks about protests and politics in public order policing. Compare and contrast. The review should be 150 words Compare and critic […]

What do we mean by the militarization of policing? How does para-militarization affect how we understand policing today? Does para-militarization affect police officers working personality and, therefore, how they conduct their jobs daily?

What is the mission of the police or the role of the police? What do we mean by the militarization of policing? How does para-militarization affect how we understand policing today? Does para-militarization affect police officers working personality and, therefore, how they conduct their jobs daily? Can we change a troubled police department? Must be […]

Discuss your thoughts on the future of technology and how you see technology impacting policing in the future. Use Canadian police forces as references.

Instructions are: 1. Discuss some current-day issues with technology 2. Discuss your thoughts on the future of technology and how you see technology impacting policing in the future. Use Canadian police forces as references. References only needed with question 2. First-person writing is allowed.

Discuss why policing is a stressful occupation. You should identify specific aspects of the work that are stressful. Next, identify ways that police officers can reduce stress.

discuss why policing is a stressful occupation. You should identify specific aspects of the work that are stressful. Next, identify ways that police officers can reduce stress.