Choose two countries, either from the same realm or from two different realms.Compare and contrast the environment, culture, politics, history, religion, climate, and geology in your two chosen countries.

You will choose two countries, either from the same realm or from two different realms. You will compare and contrast the environment, culture, politics, history, religion, climate, and geology in your two chosen countries. The comparative study of the two countries will enable you to understand the spatial and temporal differences in their politics and […]

Establish how American military involvement in Vietnam across the 1960s and early 1970s affected American society and politics. What were the main lessons that the US took from this prolonged disastrous conflict and how does it still impact on American foreign policy and its role in global affairs.

Establish how American military involvement in Vietnam across the 1960s and early 1970s affected American society and politics. What were the main lessons that the US took from this prolonged disastrous conflict and how does it still impact on American foreign policy and its role in global affairs.

For the period 1824-1840,Analyze the ways in which developments in politics altered the social and economic fabric of the nation

The prompt reads “For the period 1824-1840, analyze the ways in which developments in politics altered the social and economic fabric of the nation” This is from Out of Many, a History of the American People 5th edition AP edition. He hasn’t required any particular formatting in the past and hasn’t specified one for this […]

Choose a topic concerning modern France.Address any aspect of French history in France,in other parts of Europe, or in the French Empire/Colonies.

For the final paper, you will choose a topic concerning modern France. It can relate in any way to the course and can address any aspect of French history in France, in other parts of Europe, or in the French Empire/Colonies. Topics can address politics, economics, class, race, gender, culture, religion and/or society. You can […]

Compare and contrast how the film and paintings depict Kahlo’s personality, physical appearance, life experiences, relationships, politics, and/or pain.

  In your paper, compare and contrast how the film and paintings depict Kahlo’s personality, physical appearance, life experiences, relationships, politics, and/or pain. You must reference specific scenes from the film as evidence, in addition to thorough descriptions and interpretations of the paintings. You should further comment on how the artist’s work influenced the film’s […]

Why does ​war/conflict​ arise in the international system? Explain what youmean by war/conflict and you may deal with both/either interstate and/orintrastate.Discuss

1.Why does ​war/conflict​ arise in the international system? Explain what youmean by war/conflict and you may deal with both/either interstate and/orintrastate. You should give ​THREE​ ways in which conflict arises ​withspecific examples​. Finally, argue which ​ONE​ of these three is ​or​ has beenmost important for international politics.SECTION B: Write an essay in response to ONE […]