Discuss about Hijab politics and the role of imperialism and Islamophobia in influencing these politics.

In writing the proposal it must be borne in mind that the essay should reflect thematically and methodically on the course, that is drawing on transboundary elements (transnationalism) and on Gramcian theories (Antonio Gramsci) on religion and body politics. In doing so, it takes a critical, sociological, historically-informed, and sometimes a qualitative approach. It moreover […]

Explain why it is important that power and politics are handled in an ethical fashion. Describe what might happen if employees felt that managers were using power in an unethical fashion.

Paper detalis: Within organizations power and politics exist. Sometimes unethical power tactics are used in organizational politics. In a 1,000-word written assignment define organizational power and politics. Explain why it is important that power and politics are handled in an ethical fashion. Describe what might happen if employees felt that managers were using power in […]

Discuss the differences between these two, or any other pair of thinkers who follow in their footsteps, explaining how they are opposed and whether any possible synthesis between them could bring about a reconsideration of the relationship between philosophy and politics.

In The Republic, Plato crowned philosophy as the highest of all human endeavours, making politics and earthly pursuits secondary. Aristotle flipped this picture and examined politics in its concrete sense, toward a view of human flourishing. Discuss the differences between these two, or any other pair of thinkers who follow in their footsteps, explaining how […]

Discuss what politics teaches us about the importance of emotion work, labor and management in social life.

Description For your final paper, you will need to use at least 2 course concepts or readings, as well as 2 outside, additional sources, to apply the ideas from our class to some aspect of social life. Outside sources must be sociological and academic, and must add something to your analysis rather than just repeat […]

Discuss As the most innocent of our population, are the needs of children TRULY considered within politics?

As the most innocent of our population, are the needs of children TRULY considered within politics? More specifically, please include education policy within your answer (note: you are not limited to ONLY discussing education; However, I would like it mentioned at some point).

Discuss How does this discussion relate to politics? What is the role of pleasure and moral goodness in politics? How does this discussion relate to Socrates’ conclusion that you can’t pursue moral goodness as a politician?

Plato wants the readers of his dialogues Gorgias and The Apology to think about the relationship between politics, rhetoric, and ethics. The primary goal of Gorgias seems to be to disconnection the ideas of doing good and experiencing pleasure. Gorgias and his companions seem to think that experiencing pleasure is the essence of moral goodness. […]

Cite another author or source who talks about protests and politics in public order policing. Compare and contrast.

Description Use at least 2 sources from books, Articles, journals and authoritative websites, Home Office, college of policing. List of Citation of Books and Articles, books or journals. Cite another author or source who talks about protests and politics in public order policing. Compare and contrast. The review should be 150 words Compare and critic […]

Explain globalization and the impacts of it while presenting at least three pros and three cons of these impacts.

Description Explain globalization and the impacts of it while presenting at least three pros and three cons of these impacts. (Ideas to consider throughout the discussion include shifts in economies, cultural aspects, social interactions, and politics.) Respond to the discussion question after researching the topic. Share with your classmates what you learned by writing a […]

How was the walking city different before the Civil War than after the Civil War?Explain how three people or groups, including Muckrakers, political machines, Progressives, businessmen, or any other groups tried to help resolve the problems of the industrial city.

1. Pick out 2 political stereotypes from the National Politics lecture video. Are those stereotypes concerning politics in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era correct? Use specific examples, meaning exact names of people or things, to prove your answer. This will mostly come from the Politics lecture, but you may also find help in the […]

Discuss How does Aristotle understand the relation between politics and economics?

Topic: How does Aristotle understand the relation between politics and economics? Paper details: 1-The paper should include the personal analysis and reflection, it is not a research paper. (only from book 1-2-3 in The Politics) 2- (3-4 pages 800-1200 words), double-spaced, font size 12. 3- In-text citations should be included from “The Politics” by aristotle […]