Discuss Are war and international conflict inevitable features of global politics?

Answer to the question: ‘Are war and international conflict inevitable features of global politics?’. Give all perspectives possible, focusing mainly on realism and liberalism and all of their sub-types (classical and neo for both) + offensive and deffensive.. everything) Make the essay not too descriptive, analyse a lot, answer to the question basically from the […]

Explain and support your view on the relationship between the church and politics. In addition, apply your view to one ethical issue facing the church in contemporary culture.

Benchmark – Church and Politics Essay Using the annotated bibliography and outline you developed earlier in the course, in addition to this “HTH-330 Church and Politics Benchmark” document, write a 1,800-2,000-word essay, in which you explain and support your view on the relationship between the church and politics. In addition, apply your view to one […]

What can we learn from Tacitus’s account about the economy, politics,society, and culture of the Germanic peoples of the first century C.E.?

2•What can we learn from Tacitus’s account about the economy, politics,society, and culture of the Germanic peoples of the first century C.E.?•In what ways are his accounts descriptive of the economy, politics,society, and culture of the Romans of the first century C.E.? In what ways are his descriptions of the Germans implicitly comments on the […]

Discuss the plot of the play. What is the conflict of the play? What are the characters struggling against and why? What will they gain by succeeding, and/or lose by failing? What are the significant events that happened in the play?

Each student must select a contemporary play from the list above to analyze. You will need to use various research tools to evaluate and synthesize cultural, historical, and symbolic themes contained in the play. Your Contemporary Play Analysis Paper must address the following items. As you read through the play make sure to take notes […]

What happens when some of us simply stop believing? Who gets to lay claim to the United States then?

Watch the short New York Times video on national identity. Provide a three-paragraph reflection and analysis of any part of the the video’s argument. “Analysis” could be whether you agree with it, providing more evidence to support your position, or it could mean what the video’s argument means more broadly for international politics, or any […]

Explain both sides of the debate on whether the politics-administration dichotomy exists in practice or only in theory. Give specific real-world examples in your debate.

In 750-1,000 words, do the following: Describe the politics-administration dichotomy. Explain both sides of the debate on whether the politics-administration dichotomy exists in practice or only in theory. Give specific real-world examples in your debate. Describe what side you tend to agree with more and why. Use two to four scholarly resources to support your […]

What are Albert Einstein’s main arguments in his 1949 essay “Why Socialism”? Do you disagree or agree with his claims? Why or why not?

According to the political scientist Robert Putnam, what has happened to social and community engagement in the United States since the 1950s? What explanations does Putnam believe might explain these changes? What are the most important factors that affect the size of a society’s population? What are the potential problems with forecasting a society’s population […]